
Also the reporters haven't left the prison yet, have they?

Clearly the solution is even _more_ Game Of Thrones articles…

Queen Of The South also trades heavily in tropes

It was for the Prince who was Promised, though, and that clearly wasn't Stannis…

Good show, though the rape sequence (the one featuring Nate, sad I have to specify) was shot really strangely. Like, "hey, isn't this sexy and cool in a disorienting druggie way. Wait, no, that guy is staring and he's old and not sexy. This is now not cool!"

From what I understand, it'll be the same writers, just a different channel.

It's a play on "casting out" the devil.

Uh, The Katering Show

That's the plan, though if ABC's turnaround time on The Code is anything to go by, don't hold your breath.

It makes me wonder if the writing is parceled out more based on location/characters versus actual episodes and that the "written by" credits are done for payment/union reasons. But, I'm pretty clueless on how their writing room works on this show.

Well, I didn't like the show — either season, actually. The only person who's angry in our conversation is you.

There's a difference between being witty and making jokes that punch down.

I think you go a little far here, but I agree about the tone of this article — smug and nasty.

I feel like you're doing oral sex wrong. Painfully wrong.

Love My Way. RIP.

I've taught enough children who are actively homophobic without realising what homosexuality is. Seen enough children who play at being married and play-act adult — aesthetically sexual — relationships with each other. They may not understand sexuality in the same way that a teenager might, but they're learning the

Sir Smith Junior was also in Bay's most recent film, which suggests a certain level of passion an involvement from Bay in Black Sails. It's a good show — and also, a surprisingly queer show, despite pushback from the network — which are both things I'd never have expected from Bay.

Between it and Bay's work with Black Sails (which he's apparently quite involved in, despite not directing any of it), he's actually showing a distinct uptick over the last few years. Kinda unprecedented.

The irrational belief that any and every opinion expressed in under 140 characters is something other people might care about.

The sad / frustrating part is that a lot of what Sava suggests here isn't wrong, per se, but it's delivered in such a clod hopping, unsubtle way that any nuance and power in the arguments are lost.