
But why does every Kinja have a totally different new horrible layout? Couldn’t they make all the new horrible layouts the same? That would be less horrible.

We’re not allowed to have anything good now. If something is accidentally good, it must be fixed so it isn’t good. Like Instagram. It’s been improved so much that now it sucks giant donkey balls. Maybe I’m just old and cranky, but I’m so very tired of everything turning to crap. I’m too young to retire, too old to put

All the Americans being inadvertently racist with their weird US categorizations applied to Mediterranean cultures and this is the one take that actually thinks about it with something resembling a non-US-centric view.

So I have no clue if it’ll be a big deal, but hey, that’s the opinion I’d like to hear about.

But research from the last two decades has shown that the woman believed to be Cleopatra’s mother was African, which would make it only right that she be portrayed by a mixed-race actress, according to some.

Yeah and trying to assign modern ethnicity to someone who lived 2000 years ago doesn’t really make much sense anyway. It’s highly unlikely anyone living in the eastern med looks anything like people back then.

That’s an interesting point about Pearl WANTING Angelina to play her.  Do you go against the wishes of the original author/subject?  Do her wishes count more or less as a woman of color?  I’m genuinely not being snarky, I can just see how there’s a weird, perhaps no, way to navigate that so that everyone’s happy.

I’m wondering from that article how they determined Arsinoe was “African”- was that genetic testing or analyzing why they thought the bones looked like? The BBC news article isn’t very exact. According to the wiki page, that guy was using craniometry which is basically nonsense science that’s been dead since the 19th

I’m no fan of Gal Gadot but I don’t mind the choice. The ruling family of Egypt (alas!) were not Egyptians but Macedonian Greeks. In the same way that the Israelis have colonised Palestine, the Macedonian Greeks ruled Egypt: there are parallels.

Another group of people finds this all quite tedious and thinks that since it’s Sunday night everyone should log off.

Or ever. 

...because the Republicans has nothing but love and compassion in their hearts during the Obama years.

This new right-wing line about liberals being the ones who actually have hate in their hearts really fucking irks me. You bet your ass I hate Trump, and that’s a perfectly justified emotion to feel.

Ever notice how there are no left wing crazy groups attacking shit all the time?

The problem is that they already are calling her a mad and abrasive black woman on both liberal and conservative shows for her smirk and her meek interruptions. If she started every answer with ‘thank you Mr. Pence’ she would be accused of such. Obama has the same problem.

Same here!

That is why he forced the commission to change the format so that he could sit down. He is on the back end of COVID and lacks energy. I remember last year I was hospitalized for having sepsis and it took me weeks after being released to be able to even dry myself coming out of the shower or brush my teeth without

Remember these fuckers and all the right wing media spent 2 weeks yelling that Obama was obviously the devil when a fly landed on his lectern while giving a speech in the outdoor rose garden. I am guessing they won’t do the same for Pence — whose boss’ Jewish children literally own 666 5th Ave.  

Honestly, thank god that happened because otherwise this dumb shit fucking pathetic excuse for a “debate” could be considered a draw. That fly is the only thing that made an obvious win.

Shanann and Chris’ relationship confused me. Was he just the type to promise and gaslight in texts but just couldn’t muster up the genuine affection in person? Was he just staving off her disappointment & heartbreak by replying to texts so “sweetly”? Were the film makers alluding to Shanann’s obsession with