
Hey, for me it’s also a pregnancy pee. I was in my third trimester, still vomit-y and easily nauseated. On my daily commute I had to take the train and because third trimester really, really needed to pee.

I think the issue with Teigen and Legend in particular is that their trolls are extremely virulent Q-anon supporters who have accused the couple of pedophilia and are using this miscarriage as proof that they -- i don’t know, what is the current Q-anon view? Eat babies? Drink their blood? Anyway, that. And it’s

Look, I’m not amped up about Biden being the candidate. But I ain’t gonna drag his performance last night. We all knew what was coming. Trump is a deranged lunatic. Whoever was gonna face him was going to get this treatment. I don’t think a lot of people could handle a maniac bellowing incessantly while you’re trying

200+k dead, tanked economy, lack of healthcare, grifting the country, crime, lies, chaos, loss of homes, jobs, govt shutdowns, 400+ senate bills ignored, destroying democracy, loss of faith in gov, loss of global respect, trade wars, destroying the environment, decimating protected land for profit, giving billions to

Giving any legitimacy to anyone that pretends that Trump and Biden are even in the same league in terms of policy, intelligence, mental acuity, and coherence is fucking dangerous. Thank you for not doing that.

It was expected that he would act the way he did. The other 2 debates should just be canceled at this point since they’ll just be repeats of last night.

I think Biden did the best he could do by trying to ignore him and talking directly to the people.


All of this might give the impression that there was no contrast between the two candidates on Tuesday night, that both were equally to blame for the ninety minutes of chaos. It’s a mode of news analysis, relying on equivocation, that strenuously attempts to be fair-minded and balanced and accurate but misses what’s

How else can they prove to MAGA hats that they’re not part of the radical leftist agenda unless they both-sides everything?

Your take is decidedly different, and much more correct, than Osberg’s post just a few minutes ago.

This is spot on. As a child-free cishet junior woman faculty member, my career has pretty much launched since the pandemic. I’ve been able to work on my publications more, and they are going through peer-review faster because there are fewer submissions compared to non-COVID times. This means my tenure file will be

It’s interesting (ie maddening) that when the prospect of the pill came up in the 60s/70s, it was proposed for both sexes, but men refused because of the risk of side effects. They demanded a better quality of life. women had no choice but to subject themselves to the pill because they’re the ones who stand to

You’re not a jerk, I’m a jerk: I feel deeply sorry for the kitten that has to entertain a five year old. Poor thing has probably had its tail pulled roughly 5,000x. 

See also the ‘sexual revolution’. Women got the pill, and men basically turned it into a free-for-all orgy. 

Teachers are rock stars right now and I have nothing but praise and admiration for the madness you are managing.

sounds reasonable, because losing income due to unemployment has always relieved my stress. I know this is a long dead and over-beaten horse but I blame Trump for making more people comfortable with this “selfish greed disguised as social Darwinism” bullshit we’ve been seeing more of.  It’s definitely not a

I know that this is overwhelming a challenge for the moms, but if the ratio is x:1, I’m the 1, and I have some random notes.

Honestly, if you are trying to distance educate a kindergartener you need to call it a wash and focus on things that really matter now. I have 4 kids and can tell you that missing a year of school at that age doesn’t affect anything other than maybe the parent’s ego.

The more I read about how women are struggling with child care and work now, the more it seems like the progress women have made over the last ~60 years has been less about men taking on “female responsibilities” and more about the prevalence and availability of day care.