
I agree - I have never once felt the need to write a long blog post discussing all the ways in which my monogamous marriage is enlightened, "better" than other people's relationship styles, justified by evopsych or sociology or anthropology, etc etc etc. Why? Because I'm satisfied doing what I'm doing. There's nothing

I am sad to see how many former Girl Scouts here belonged to a troop that didn't do the outdoorsy stuff. I was a Girl Scout through the Silver award (Cadette), and some of my very best memories growing up are of going to Girl Scout Horse Camp, going with my troop to the National Girl Scout Camp in Wyoming for 2 weeks

I'm a 38-year-old woman. Currently playing Skyrim on PC for the first time. (Yeah, I know I'm late to the party, but I was writing a dissertation). I actually didn't know it was so female-friendly until I started playing it, but I have to say the gender-neutrality of the game was a very pleasant surprise and

Catelynn was the only Teen Mom who seemed sensible and nice.

The original letter from Bridezilla is a good example of why fat bigotry isn't really about health, though. Sure, she wants her bridesmaid to be thin. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she, like every other fat shamer in America, is only looking out for the health and welfare of the fatties in

Short answer to letter #1: DTMFA. Tell anyone who asks why you DTMFA. Be grateful that you are no longer friends with such a shallow bitch. Feel sorry for the rest of her bridesmaids who had the misfortune to be fit-and-tan, because they are now at the 24-7 beck and call of Bridezilla.

There aren't too many things I read on the internet that make me grateful for being middle-aged, but I gotta say this story is one of them. Thank God I am not in a place in life where other people expect me to not only spend multiple evenings talking to frat douchebags but to actually give a shit whether or not they

Brat Pack vs. 80s MTV. Wow, that's brutal. Hardest choice yet. I eventually had to go with Brat Pack, because Molly Ringwald is still awesome and beautiful, and well, we all know what happened to MTV over the years... :-(

Wrong. I want to wear what I fucking want to wear to the fucking beach and then be left the fuck alone about it. I don't want anybody else thinking or saying or doing anything about what I fucking look like, bad, good, or otherwise. I want them to mind their own fucking business and stop worrying about whether or not

There was nothing more I wanted out of life at age 10-12 (circa 1985) than Lisa Frank stickers. I wanted them more than Cabbage Patch Kids. I didn't even know what a Valley Girl was.

Very hypothyroid here as well (used to be a size 2, got hypothyroidism, now a size 16). The ugly internet troll fat bigot arguments I've heard about medical issues usually go something like, "There are very few people who are actually hypothyroid, and certainly not as many as who claim to have the condition, so I

Pretty In Pink was *exactly* like my high school (and that's not a compliment). For me, it was the movie of my generation. Also, Molly Ringwald, what a babe! I hope Brat Pack wins the whole thing.

I wear this perfume, and it is delicious! It smells like a pagan cupcake sacrifice.

I was an 80s kid (born in '74), and I did have a brief CPK phase like every other 11 year old girl in my 5th grade year, BUT, I voted for Lisa Frank because I was ridiculously into Lisa Frank stickers for years and years. I spent so many Saturday afternoons at this little boutique shop downtown that sold Lisa Frank

Peeps are delicious, and the very best way to eat them is to toast them in a fire like a marshmallow. The outside forms a lovely crisp sugar shell, and the inside gets all melty and gooey.