
@WrongSirWrong:disqus Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?

But people have always become angry with their gods for suffering. And unlike those gods, we have physical bodies that can be killed by, well, drones and such.


@hegel_exercises:disqus But dingbat fundies didn't exactly become a major political force until the '80s.

Both Genndy and (seemingly a guest star) Ringo Starr have confirmed a new special is in the works. I don't know if they're doing anything more than that, though.

The title card probably has something to do with it (even if it is technically impossible to give someone the middle finger when you only have four fingers, the implication is still there).

It does get kind of surreal with the horn, as if the bleeps exist in-universe if they are supposed to be bleeps.

I'm autistic and Lemongrab definitely has spectrum traits, but I don't think he's diagnosable, or if he is it's a combination of a lot of different diagnoses. To be totally honest, he kind of scares me.

If anything it was worse for me this time, if only because I've gotten used to listening to the pretty Rebecca Sugar demo and the Ice King's crazy oblivious drums in the episode are what really cinch it.

BMO and Marceline are the best.

For the most part, they seem to pretty gay-friendly (they deal in stereotypes like they do with every group but the messages of their gay-centric episodes tend to come down on the pro-gay side), but yeah, the transphobia in South Park is just icky.

They did make fun of Atlas Shrugged once, but I don't know if they've done anything more than that.

"The trading gap shuffle, the trading gap shuffle…"

"When She Loved Me" from Toy Story 2
 "If You Want to Sing Out" from Harold and Maude
"I Can't Stop Loving You" from Metropolis (the anime:…

Scott Pilgrim has enough awesome soundtrack moments that it sort of counts as a musical, doesn't it?

Apology readily accepted (ignorance is understandable, since there is a lot of ignorance on the subject; it's the militantly ignorant who ignore facts that contradict their beliefs who annoy me).

Having lots of sex with my friends

I'm quite partial to Don't Download This Song.