“garbage woke progressive Jacobins”
“garbage woke progressive Jacobins”
Bernie crushed it tonight.
Kinja is now Autoplay Ads and about seven commenters who just CRUSH the comment sections all day every day.
What do you mean “moves to the center”?
So, yeah, the fuckheads sure are having a moment.
But at the same time. Trump has never been the majority. That’s the crazy part.
America’s brain is broken.
I persuaded all of my friends to vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I did what I could.
Blacque Bloque, blaque people rip on Bernie Sanders every day in here, while his policies will do more to benefit blacque people than any other in the race.
I don’t think they really care if you forgive them, Damon.
Today, I am giving you lots of talking points to incorporate as your own in your next progressive internet sage iteration.
I’m honestly more angry at the people here in Ohio who wasted their votes on third-party candidates.
I suspect Weinstein probably kens more to Cosby than, say, one of the lesser villains of the #MeToo era like Louis C.K. in that regard.
Test results are in: Still in the grey.
Probably because they are following the model of Obama who ran on Hope and Change and then bailed out banks, targeted whistleblowers, increased deportations, expanded wars, and now warns the Left to calm down the Hopey Changey rhetoric to push back towards the center.
My sense is that this is pulled from the “Third Way” Triangulation playbook that the Clinton’s used, albeit updated for the modern Civil War era.
She should have run in 2016.