
And they were goong to murder the infant.

Serious question, how the fuck does that constitute hazing? Unless the guy being written about was tied down and forced to listen to the poem or whatever.

Only morons, dolts and hipster shitfurples and tools use Google for ANYTHING.

What the fuck kind of hairstyle does that douche have? I mean, I know it falls in the general "douche/oik/mook" catagory, but I want specifics.

So now you are openly advocating the murder of people.

That's an insult to golden retrievers and Elmer's Glue.

Grow the fuck up.

That wasn't a tackle, it a was an extremely hard shove. He doesn't even try to wrap his arms around him, just uses them to push the dude out of bounds.


Doen't matter, it's still helmet to helmet and therefore illegal and therefore a fine should be assessed.




Says the butthole sniffer who has never played football in their entire FAIL life.

So you are slagging and tee-heeing and tittering and pointing and laughing at him becuase he cares deeply about something, yet you fly into a frothing at the mouth, spittle flying from your lips tempa tantum if someone ruins an epsisode of some FAIL LAME PATHETIC LAME FAIL tv show that you watch like Breaking Bad,

You do know there is only one official looking at the pocket, right, which means they can only look at one pair of people at a time.

Nu uh.

No u.

I am so going to enjoy watching my crew run a train on your mom's butthole and then beat her ever so slowly into a coma while daddy screams for us to stop.

This is why I no longer attend sporting events.