Can we just knock off and stop the whole "YOU HAVE TO THROW THE HOME RUN BALL BACK IF HIT BY A PLAYER ON THE OTHER TEAM!!!" horseshit.
Can we just knock off and stop the whole "YOU HAVE TO THROW THE HOME RUN BALL BACK IF HIT BY A PLAYER ON THE OTHER TEAM!!!" horseshit.
You actually expect people to be honest on a more detailed questionaire when they lie their asses off on the current one? Fuck off.
Yeah, no. You have no fucking clue about how this thing actually works because you area willfully ignorant mook shithead. In addition to doing the ice Bucket thing every person who does the ice bucket thing ALSO makes a donation.
Wow, that 's the most empty and pointless gesture possible. Bra-FUCKING-vo!!!!! BRA-FUCKING-VO!!!!!!!!!
Grow the fuck up you whiny crybaby pussy bitch.
So you are going to handwave away FELONY theft and FELONY assault, in fact you are standing and applauding and lauding and want to reward Brown because of COURSE the owner of the store that Brown committed FELONY assault on and FELONY theft against, obviously they deserved it, in fact his store MUST be burned to the…
Nice to see all the usual vile misogynists are out stinking up K with their bleats and farts and pants shitting tantrums because some SLUT had a game made about her and IS SO HTE UNFAIRRRRRSSSZZZZ!!!!!!!!
Boo-fucking-hoo. She hit someone, expect to get hit back. I've hit chicks who have hit me a few times, put a couple in the ER and I REGRET NOTHING. They hit me first they got what they had coming back to them.
Are you ever going to MAN UP and admit that you were completely and utterly FOOLED by that bullshit story of the dude buying all the pies at Burger King to spire the brat who was shrieking and screaming "FUCK YOU!!!" and also admit that you are a horrible person for continually claiming that the brat in question not…
"he is required by his contract to talk to the media." Seriously? And that is non-negotiable? Doesn't the First Amendment give you the right NOT to speak? And couldn't the Fifth Amendment come into play as well?
He's gonna need to lose about 20 pounds and put on some muscle, obvious for the pics that he's a fatass.
Browne is a simpering sashaying FAGGOT NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!
By 'talks to girls' he means 'have them suck his dong.'
Fucking VILE SCUM FILTH NIGGER. Someone REALLY needs to 2Pac and Biggie this NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!
I'm curious why the article goes on and on about Tigers association with Nike but fails to note that Nike has lost millions on the deal, it has turned int one of the biggest sponsership disasters in history.
Unless their Tiger who cheats all the fucking time.
The TC was just a gussied up Lebaron, nothing really WTF about it.
Hey Burneko you crybaby pussy bitch whyn't you man up and admit that you were duped by that bullshit story of the dude buying all the pies in that Burger King like a REAL TOUGH GUY MAN would do?