Because he's a fucking pussy coward bitch hiding behind a FAIL LAME FAIL username, that's why.
Because he's a fucking pussy coward bitch hiding behind a FAIL LAME FAIL username, that's why.
Eh, EVERY driver in Nascar is a hothead, it's apart of the stupid 'unwritten code.'
Too bad the plane didn't crash and explode with this vile waste of jizz onboard.
Wikipedia isn't a valid cite.
Christ. Why the fuck do you care, I mean besides the fact that you are an immature crybaby LOSER SPED? How can you be such a fucktard moron that you can't understand that responding just encourages? How hard a concept is that grasp?
I imagine Kellerman looking sadly in the mirror at himself for at least 10 minutes every morning wanting to stab himself for leaving Around The Horn for FAUXSports failed boxing show how ever many years ago, then having to come crawling back and suck some dongs at ESPN to get a lower paying job cowtowing to Beadle.
So it's domestic abuse when a guy hits a chick, but when chick hits a guy it's nothing, nothing at all?
Oh, and don't show your true pussy cowardly self by wunning away instead of responding, MAN THE FUCK UP tough guy. Real easy for you to name call on Twitter isn't it?
Hey Burneko can I have my kids come over and call your wife/girlfriend a slut and twat and cunt all day with absolutely no repercussions from you? I mean, according to you, "that's just kids acting like kids and we can't punish them for it we must reward them."
Christ who gives a shit. UFC or cage fighting or whatever is a fucking joke, below boxing.
Dude I went ot high school with from 84-88 had or at least drove one of these. Dude played bass for all our school musicals and was UGLY but got laid and more blowjobs because of that car that I would ever have imagined. Dude had a threeway with two pom pom girls in the backseat one afternoon.
Hey retard why did you wun away bwubbing and crying from my making you my BITCH? Man the fuck up and take your PWNing and whipping like a man.
As to Brians note about the Colts tarding Elway for Hinton, I'm curious as to why he ignores the fact that the Colts had NO choice. Elway told the Colts and Irsay a BILLION times that he wouldn't play for them if they drafted him, he told Acorsi a dozen times, that eh would play baseball for the Yankees instead. And…
You know what would have been even KEWLER??? If she'd driven home drunk and hit someone and killed them becuase nothing is more HTE AWESOME!!!!!!! KEWL!!! than driving drunk.
I hope your mom and significant other are raped while you are forced to watch.
So that excuses this shitheads behavior? You are saying that this is acceptable behavior? And that it would also be acceptable if you assaulted Modells grandkids and broke their arms.That is what you are going to stand on? Seriously? Do everyone a favor and jump off an overpass onto the highway.
This kind of shit is why all of the whiny pussy crybaby bitches who loath inter league play need to shut the fuck up and suck a dong.
No update now that it is known that Godell NEVER saw the video of INSIDE the elevator?
ZOMG!!! a LAME UTTER FAIL pop culture meme from the shittiest movie from the shittiest filmmaker since ED Wood!!! What a hip dude you are!!!! You are just so keen, can I come over and suck your dong in hopes of draining off some of your precious hippitude? Pretty please?