Opa Brummbaer

One of my pet gripes is the idiots who refuse to turn their lights on while in a pouring rain. In most states its even illegal to drive without lights if you are using your windshield wipers, but like most safety related infractions it seldom is enforced. Much easier to sit and wait for some schmoe to exceed the speed

Why did you feel it necessary to dump on me and my car? Do you feel better? Did you add anything to the discourse? Or did you just want to see your name on the screen so that it can be associated with an insufferable boor? I suspect that you are not a very nice person. Have a nice day anyhow.

I’ve watched this coming since we bought our 1st 911. It was a 1977 and we bought it in 80. Depreciation made it possible. 15 years later we sold that same car and made about 2000 euros on the deal. Reasonable as we had taken very good care of it.

My 2007 Porsche 911 has them from the factory. My other 3 cars have DIY rear fog lights and back-up lights that I brought home from Germany. We have similar items here in the States but the German ones are of much higher quality.

Our local car wash has a step called “color guard foam” or some such. It comes out under medium pressure and is designed for the painted parts of your car. Like spot free water, I figured it was just another scam, but in the interest of science, I tried it out. Wonders!! It actually works. Adds a bit of depth and

OK, I’m a 70 year old Vietnam vet that is 100% disabled by my military career. In 2007, I bought a nice solid 56 Chrysler New Yorker 2dr hardtop. Engine wasn’t running but turned over easily and the oil was clean! I paid “Red” of Miami, OK $5000 to do the bodywork and to rebuild the engine.

These photos show what Laguna Seca looked like when I wrote about taking some Gamma Goats (M591) around the track back in 1975.

I had the priviledge to know a true artist while living in Germany. He earned his daily bread by making trophies from various mechanical bits and a lot of motorcycle parts. On a good weekend he would provide as many as 12-15 trophies at about $100 a pop.

Along about 1971 I was living in San Bernardino and working at Five Flags Foreign Cars I was driving our Datsun pick-up parts truck to Riverside, CA. I was about two - three car lengths behind a flatbed semi that was piled 6-8 high with flattened cars. They were nominally held in place by a couple of logging chains.

I agree. Very powerful and emotive. Great music too. It makes me want to investigate an R8 even though I could never afford one.

Pecksniffs. Pissy little pecksniffs. I’m 70 and I never get tired of hearing these pretend humans prattling on about others having fun.

Tip for keeping fingernails spotless: Before starting work, gently drag your nails across the top of a bar of Lava soap. Feels weird! Leave it! When you scrub up at the end, a nail brush will remove all the soap and any attendant grime. Also Tide dishwashing powder is the best for cleaning garage floors with a hose.

The “zipper merge” is the law of the land in Germany. It works very, very well. If you cheat and the Polizei catch you, you will pay a fine on the spot or find yourself towed. It is not a matter of being nice. Rather, it is a matter of doing what is mandated. I repeat, It works very, very well.

This is absolutely fantastic! It reminds me, literally, of my G’pa Smitty working wonders in the late 50's with old tired Buicks from the previous decade. One of which (‘48 Sedanette) hauled my sisters and I along with Smitty from Kansas to LA. Lost the muffler in New Mexico. I will never forget that base thrum of the

When I graduated from college at the ripe age of 52, I got a job that was 75 miles one way from my home. I bought a brand new 2000 Tiburon for my DD. One year later I quit the job. The Tiburon had just shy of 140K miles on the odo. Total outlay for repairs? $0.00! Avg mpg? 31. Traded it for a 2001 XG300, that I still

Within the next year or so, I will be in the same position as the wife in this story. Payback for my days of motorcycling. Thanks for the info!

While in Germany, I scored a real bargain on a 1987 Chevy S-10 that belonged to another GI who was getting married. I found that I actually could fit my 1987 Harley FXR into the bed if I left the tailgate down. I got it down to a science where I only needed a single folding ramp and two stout tiedowns. Traveled all

Back in the early 80's we owned a very nice gold coloured Porsche 911. At that time my son was 10 - 12 years old. We went on many many road trips all over Europe with my son comfortably ensconced in the rear “seat” with the seatbacks folded down, and a pallet made of soft luggage, sleeping bags, and blankets. Never

Fixed mine with a kit from LNengineering for a total cost of just shy of $4K. Money well spent both for my piece of mind and for future sales value.