This has driven me up the wall for decades. It was the source of my first doubts when I was only 12 years old.
This has driven me up the wall for decades. It was the source of my first doubts when I was only 12 years old.
I have no great desire to see teal return as a color for cars but I sure wish that more manufacturers would offer some nice dark to medium greens, both metallic and non. Our 2001 Cadillac Eldorado was a gorgeous dark metallic green with a light beige leather interior. Best combination I have ever owned.
No mention of range or charging time.
Nice inside; Fugly on the outside.
Looks like a high tech door stop.
Also, avoid those stupid multi-bit screwdriver thingy’s. They are not built strongly enough for anything but home repairs to a loose screw.
I think I would stock it with higher quality tools than those shown, especially the wrenches. I recognize those wrenches from the “$5 for anything on this table” source. If you are putting together a kit that is to get you going, you need to buy the best and not go cheap because “you’re seldom going to use it.” A…
Think about where you are applying the towing pressure in relation to the towing vehicle and which direction you want the towed vehicle to go. DO NOT attach the tow rope to the corner that forces the towed vehicle to go still further into the crap. These idiots deserve exactly what they got!
Back in the mid 80's I was living in Neu Ulm, Germany and owned a clapped out ‘64 VW beetle named Waegele. It was my go to work car and carried a nearly complete mechanics tool box where the back seat should be as well as some 16 foot military grade jumper cables. I had a part time job driving a church bus which was a…
As a former FA Surveyor and Forward Observer, I gazed upon that cluster fuck in the middle of the frozen waste and thought to myself, God, how I wish I could do a call for fire on that mess. Or better yet, have a Zoomie tactical air controller calling in A-10's and such. It would be lovely!
God, I love it when the kids get to go out and play in the snow. Sure as hell, they earned a little “play time”!
Owned one in Germany in the mid 80's. Most fantastic car I ever owned. It was destroyed in a monumental crash but saved me from death and serious injuries in the process. If I was sure I could get one serviced I would be in the market for one right now!
Looks and sounds exactly like the M561 Gamma Goat engine. As I found out accidentally, you can get a hell of a lot more power if you accidentally fill up with MoGas instead of JP8.
My wife and I own the 996 you are talking about with one exception. We have not addressed the IMS issue. The car is a 2003 with less than 30K miles on it. Would you be afraid of my car and if so why or what would you do about it. BTW, We absolutely love our 911. We may not drive it much (we’re both over 70) but when…
My 2007 Cadillac STS is quite happy to warm my butt at three different levels and equally as happy to cool said butt at three different levels. It is a great convenience. Also heated steering wheel and outside mirrors.
I must disagree. I live in Southeast Kansas and most of our winters have some variation on a theme of 4 - 6 inches of snow, either preceded or followed by freezing rain. If I put my wipers up they don’t stick to the windshield and when placed back into contact with the glass, they assist greatly in moving snow, ice,…
I forgot to mention that I own the car free and clear.
I am addressing this question specifically of Mr. Tavarish but the rest of you feel free to pile on. Flame suit on!
I’m not so sure about the new style body and interior. For some reason I keep seeing remnants of the Redline and the Solstice here. It just doesn’t say Porsche to me and I have one to back myself up on this.