I want a Gamma Goat with the swim and articulation kits. I will go where no man has gone before, boldly, with grease gun in hand and all 60+ zerk fittings memorized.
Up until about five years ago I owned and road a 1977 BMW R90S with a Jawa classic hack. I did a bit of bashing around local back roads to include gravel and dirt as well as forays into local pastures, etc. A truly eye opening experience. What is sometimes a scary beast at highway speeds turns into a total joy toy…
The first time I saw one of these on a dealer lot, I literally laughed so hard I had to lean on another truck to keep from falling down.
Our Cadillac STS has cup holders molded into the rear pull down seat bolster that is covered by a clever little sliding cover. When we go on extended trips, we cut the bottom half off of a 12 - 16 oz plastic cup, fill it half full of water and place it in the cup holder for our dachshund to drink out of. Neat, tidy,…
In 1979 I was stationed at Fort Ord, CA and living in Marina. I was in desperate need of some cheap transportation as our sole family car was being used by my wife for her very essential to our checkbook job. As luck would have it, I found a Honda 350 scrambler lying on it’s side like a wounded deer in my next door…
BMW. I owned a 1978 525 that was one of the best cars I’ve ever owned. I drove it all over Germany. Then I came back to the states and discovered that a bunch of yahoos have completely spoiled the image of the marque.
We bought a Chevy Tracker second hand while in Germany. We got constant rave reviews from our German friends who thought so much off road capability in such a small package was fantastic. When we returned to the States, the Tracker came along and was our sole vehicle for over a year. It got good mileage, took me…
When we bought our first Porsche stateside, the dealership was the deal maker. Despite my showing up wearing overalls and a blue chambray workshirt, they treated me extremely well from beginning to end. And now, ten years later, they stay in constant contact with individual emails, letters, etc. to remind me that as…
He was wearing thick soled rubber sneakers.
I can attest that the bench seat of a 1974 Chev C30 is as good as a twin bed and has geometry that gives you a force to work either way.
Amen! Credit Unions rule.
I was originally a car guy. Sports cars mainly. My first car purchase on my own came right after I came back from Vietnam as a young Marine Corporal and bought a very nice Triumph TR3B. Then in the spring of 1970, a neighbor loaned me his Honda CB350. I was caught. From that point on there was always a bike somewhere…
I love my 2007 Pontiac Solstice, but have learned not to even touch the buttons on the steering wheel. There is no rhyme nor reason to what they might or might not do on any given occasion. Ditto with the dash lights.
Another quickie from three weeks ago. Bought new Pirelli’s for my Cadillac STS. Two days later I had a very quick leak on the RR tire. I took it back to Wally World and told them to take care of it. Two hours later, they said they checked the pressure on all four tires and found no problem. Go home. Went through this…
While working as a mechanic in CA in the early 70’s, I was assigned to change the generator on a Datsun 1600 roadster. What should have been a two hour quickie turned into an entire week that I had to eat with pay only for the original job. The start of the job was straight forward. Disconnected the battery, loosened…
No pictures of that particular event but I will see what I can do about scanning a couple of old photos of the Porsche. She was a beauty in a brilliant gold color.
While living in Germany, my wife and I and our ten year old son went on a number of off the wall excursions around Europe with our 1977 2.7l 911. One such trip was to the Baltic sea town of Lubeck. We left after work on a Friday afternoon from Neu Ulm and bombed up the autobahn all night long. Arrived in the vicinity…
If I were in the market for a good used car right now, I would be all over the scads of TDi VW’s going on the used car market. It is a good car that does everything I would expect of it, other than the NoX emissions which admittedly isn’t a huge concern to me here in Kansas.
The point is it’s much more difficult in Germany but as I stated above, you don’t have to destroy your work to prove it works.