Opa Brummbaer

When I came back from Vietnam in 1967, I bought myself a beautiful Triumph TR3B. Through thick and thin and many reassignments I kept that car with me. Sometimes it ran, sometimes not. It was cherried out twice and rode into the ground three times. In 1975 I was transferred from Fort Ord, CA to Germany. No way to take

My wife and I have owned our 2003 996 911 for the last ten years. Car now has just shy of 29K miles on it now. Prior to that we had owned a 1966 911 and a 1977 as well. I can say without reservation that our current Porsche stands head and shoulders above them. I have also test driven several new 911’s and found them

Uh, Honda Rebel 250! Low seat height, cruiser riding position, excellent on fuel, nice classic styling.

Ref. 3rd gear: I personally believe that most dealerships are seriously missing a lot of revenue and customer satisfaction by not having a couple of mechanics on “late shift”, say to 8 PM during the week and at least a half day on Saturdays. A lot of simple services could be done (oil changes, etc.) This simple step

Now that is a sad but true fact. A while back I went to my local Chevy dealer and asked about the SS and its availability. Humma, humma, humma, uh, we don’t have one, we can’t get one and you wouldn’t like it anyhow if you had it. Great sales pitch!

Great One!!! COTD for sure.

My wife cried when she saw this photo.

Much like humans!

Not seen too much anymore but three lane highways used to be fairly common especially in the mid-west, wherein the center lane was either not marked at all, allowing for a free-for-all suicide lane or marked with the usual no pass/pass lines. Even then the accident rate was very high.

I find it absolutely amazing that all three American companies that build full size pickups can get away with designing their headlight heights intentionally high that it is guaranteed to blind anyone driving a conventional car. Then they add Xenon or LCD’s and no one can see shit except for mister highrider and

In my ticket crazy small Kansas town the local cops are absolutely crazy about busting people for “drunken pedestrian!” How the hell else are you supposed to get around? Teleport? Crawl? Call a cab when your last $5 went for a bottle of Four Roses? How about just giving the poor SOB a break and give him/her a ride

I personally am amused at some of the old ordinances that may still be on the books but are no longer enforced, i.e.: signaling lane change when two lanes merge. No passing in an intersection. Failure to stop at an unused crosswalk. Lights on 30 minutes after dawn and 30 minutes before sunset. On and on. Things I had

My Grandad’s 1950 Hudson eight. The cork disc clutch in oil was very forgiving for a new driver. That big eight’s torque made 2nd gear unneeded. In the corners on our county roads it would drift like crazy and spray gravel into the 4th row of corn. Memories!

I have a 2007 Solstice that I bought primarily because it looked so damned sexy. I love every line on this car. Power is adequate for around town boulevard cruising and if you don’t mind going in way over your head it can be fun and challenging in the twisties. Now, where do I put my sh*t? In a repainted military


Too bad the screw heads don’t line up.

‘74 Chev C20, 350, 4spd, 300K+ miles on all the original driveline. Bed rusted off, so I built a ten foot flat bed with side rails. 13 mpg combined. Rand McNally trucker’s road atlas bought new every year for $25. Very happy combination that will last me literally the rest of my life. Life is like a box of chocolates;

In 1979 I was a Surveyor in the U.S. Army stationed at Fort Ord, CA. We received a tasking to provide survey support to a test site at Fort Hunter-Liggett. When we arrived we found that we were to survey in a KD (known distance) range to test the chain gun on the Bradley prototype. Simple task completed in one

It really doesn’t matter as 85% of them are dead. Last time I went in 1995 I didn’t see a single person who I recognized. I suppose if I were crazy enough to attend another one, it would be my 2007 Pontiac Solstice.

I will probably regret admitting this happened to me but perhaps one more horror story will make some other soul a bit more cautious.