
That sucks, on both sides of the fence. Guy lost a job and another got berated about his experience. While I do understand where Nance is coming from, the best bet would have been to say thanks and keep it moving. If the conversation kept going in that direction, then ask respectfully that it ceases.

But its always

Now playing

How I feel about the unstable goals of the console market

“You’re reading Miranda to a corpse!”

Oh that’s what Markiplier was talking about. But isn’t there a arguement somewhere that PewDiepie, Markiplier and AngryJoe are the ones who sowed the seed for the drama to surface? Besides AngryJoe, P and M have built their YT career on over dramatizing reactions for horror video games. Now that they have matured and

Hollywood isn’t going to learn anything. The Last Samurai was Tom Cruise. Do I need to insert the Paul Mooney joke about Tom Hanks here?

SNES bogus “Champion Edition”. I remember doing the fatality and was like, “what?”. My Genesis friends scorned me and mocked me

The whole time I reading this article, I was hoping that he was joking or writing satire. Wow, I was wrong...totally.

Volton’s vid FTW! Hilarious!

People choose to be gay. No scientific study has ever been able to find “gay genes”. Docters from well respected origins such as University of Pittsburgh has stated that most cases reflect a significant impact upon a person’s life that guided their choice of becoming homosexual. While its not a popular topic, the

Whether you believe in God or not, you can’t expect a God, a perfect entity to accept such. Yet in the world its different. The world is open to many ideas/lifestyles while having a few rules to govern itself somewhat. Not great, but acceptable.

She’s beautiful

Did the author of this article read her comments? Or did the brain just receive “American idol singer doesn’t praise your LGBT community, attack on site”?

She didn’t call the LGBT community animals. She said they are not animals as someone else has stated.

Just like the pope, who recently stated that while he encourages

Have you seen the new pirate movie...?

Yea I was cheesing like a kid watching that scene. I just love how they instantly connected through a hair raising dogfight scene. The friendship between the two felt genuine.

But when bb8 gives Finn the torch thumbs up though...

Imagine coming home to a dark house and the light switch doesn’t work. Then bright eyes begin to light up as these little guys begin humming Happy Birthday to you.

You know, when it comes to a fan complaining about a female video game character/woman being objectified, I roll my eyes. Both sexes are objectified in every form of media possible. But today, lets just talk about that Overwatch butt pose. Nevermind the super ripped guy with a pants bulge ready to explode and a

I see posters like these and keep telling myself I need to get my man cave seriously worked on. I would definitely purchase some of the art. Sidenote: The DragonForce poster of Critical Beatdown is just so lovely.

And most games pre release fall under the same category. I’m just merely pointing out the obvious or what we should know already. If we hold ACM accountable, we should have held Peter to the cross as well. Ubisoft with Watch Dogs and The Division. The hatred for ACM was a bit much considering what they did has been

Clearly. If I had a dollar when every anonymous person on the internet says something like “Clearly, you wouldn’t say X if you know about Y”

Is it not the truth? Games rendered on PC that get released on consoles are often downgraded. Remember The Division. Oh wait, I should say, “Clearly you didn’t watch The Division

I suddenly miss Ninja Gaiden.