oo xx oo


epstein was his own judge, jury, and executioner. why is not good enough for some people?

so you’re confused

even the best hot dog is not that good. and the atlantic side of the cape is where all the great whites are.

are you five ?

pardon ?

stick to sports

why is this kind of thing such a big problem in the nba and nfl?

saw this exact “joke” on my grandpa’s facebook page

What is your evidence for this?

It’s almost as if the only people who believe he’s racist exist on fringe lefty blogs and Twitter. 

Here is my job application for the new G/O conservative leaning vertical focused on Real News, Actual Finance (not Ideaville by non-participants) and engagement trolling.

If you are still drinking beer in 2019 you should be thrown off the Atlantic side of Wellfleet. And Spanfella already improved Deadspin. Their political takes were cringe and annoying. Sports fans stopped going their long ago. Remember this one?