
So it is like the movie franchise then? All fluff, not nearly enough robot punching.

Landlords automatically get a record of incidents that happen on their property I believe, for any kind of incident. But yeah, this is absolutely insane. Also, fuck landlords. This sort of shit should not be enforceable even if you sign it.

The point of licenses like these is to say “hey, we’re Vermont, we certainly aren’t going to solve illegal immigration, but at least we can make sure that all drivers on the road, legal or illegal residents, know basic drivers safety and can legally drive/have documents with which to purchase insurance”. Without

5 years to build a massive game from scratch is a lot shorter of a time than you’d think.

Yeah 50 staples is a huge wound. I had a 4-5 inch gash that took 11 staples to close, so her’s was far more severe.

Actually, the human body is really really good at absorbing bluetooth. If you wrapped yourself around a Wii controller such that the signal wasn’t getting out and couldn’t reflect off of anything (which is difficult because those controllers are larger than the JoyCons), you’d see similar behavior. This is why

Winston is far more difficult to play effectively than I think people realize. Sure, you don’t have to aim your gun, but Winston is entirely about positioning. More than any other character, it is important for Winston to be in exactly the right place at the right time, otherwise he dies or is totally ineffective in

USPS actually receives no tax payer funding and is quite profitable (net operating profit of around ~$1B/yr), but back in 2006 the lame duck Congress forced them to prefund 75 years worth of retirees benefits (which no other part of the government is forced to do), so that it looks like they’re operating at a loss

Or you deal with knees bouncing in your back!

I absolutely jam my knees into the seat in front of me because there is literally nowhere else for them to go (6'7"). I will also bounce my knees so that I can maintain circulation in them. I try to get the upgraded legroom seats, but those are often sold out or reserved for frequent fliers.

They’re not fraudulent votes, it’s just that Detroit’s voting infrastructure is so bad that the counts from the broken machines didn’t match the number of paper ballots they have (because the machines jammed and weren’t properly reset, or broke completely, etc). So basically there are a bunch of ballots that don’t

I giggled at the comparison to K

I mean, they’re big enough changes to affect cooking times if you live at a high altitude. You won’t notice when boiling water for tea, but it makes a difference when cooking something over the course of an hour.

I actually agree. I mean, on this website it probably doesnt matter, because this is a big liberal circlejerk, but yeah. That sort of language is not OK. The people in the midwest states who voted Trump who had previously voted Obama are angry, confused, and basically just rejected the DNC’s neoliberal approach. Lets

Yeah you defend against it by having your flanker (Tracer or Winston) focus on the Ana/other squishies in the back row. I don’t think there’s much else you can do as Roadhog unless Ana lets you get within hook range of her.

This is what I often see on freeways in MI, half-marked or unmarked cars hiding behind overpass pillars or in some brush, then a line of 3-4 full marked a mile or two up the road.