
Coming to Netflix February 2019:

If only the man could read...

If I can offer some mild pushback, I don’t think “I haven’t heard of it” is a good argument here. It’s entirely reasonable think that Netflix isn’t being 100% upfront with us since the only people who know the real numbers are them, but just because you haven’t heard of a thing doesn’t mean it’s not a thing.

I assume Nicki used #ArnoldPalmer because this story is only half tea.

Stop comparing new car prices to used car prices. It’s disingenuous at best. If you wait for a used Z4 it will come in well less than that used Jag. 

Possibly a riff on what Mitsubishi did with the Eclipse nameplate

He removed it because it was unsalvageable due to a flooding.

I’d bump Teri Hatcher a few slots simply because they’re real, and they’re spectacular.

A brand new GT-R is further out of reach now than before.

Man employed by Microsoft doesn’t understand how computers work. Actually sounds about right based on my experience with them.

It’s amazing how strongly people feel about these specific films, eh?

Wow, a lot of people seem to really hate Black Panther in these comments. Can’t imagine why.

Black Panther and Captain Marvel posts always seem to bring out the “film snobs.” And by “film snobs” I mean...well, you know what I mean.

It has been a fantastic year for movies

So they should keep the plants open and build...what? I don’t think they’re moving anything overseas. 

She wasn’t the CEO of GM during the bailouts, the reason the bailouts occurred is GM refused to cut product line up, close plants, and reposition. Why do you want manufacturing in the US? Its a dirty industry that takes tolls on our infrastructure and appearance.

The Gymkhana Files is on Amazon Prime and basically goes through this.

Statistically, I’m sure you are not but let people enjoy things.

its just you