Right on Sister
Right on Sister
Why do we even hide it. Look ladies, killing your baby is cool. You dont want it stand up and be proud. Its your body so cut that little nuggets head off and suck it out and move on. Its your right to do this. Stop messing around. Babies are evil and kids suck. Kill em while you can. you gots bikini season coming up!
Yeah but we like strangling babies in the womb! Woman power.
Totally agree with this article. And SCREW Sasha and Malia too. Those uppity half breeds better not run for office. Michelle to. That underbite on that mug is straight animal like.
If they are real he is really winning.
Thats solid research. Cant argue with those numbers.
Obama should be hung from a tree for letting this happen to Native peoples. He’s a racist.
I preffered the runner up “Crotch Gorillas”
Blart Boofles is a power name
It doesnt matter. If he delivers 2 Supreme Court appointments it will be Mission Accomplished!
Just let our kids to to school with kids that have two parents at home that teach discipline and a Yes Sir, No M’am accountability. Where we dont have to worry about tranny boys changing clothes in the same room as our pre-teen daughters. Where saying the pledge of allegiance is welcomed and supporting the military is…
Yeah God created everything and were asked not to participate in most of it. Thats pretty mainstream to me. Self mastery makes you happy. Yes I speak for most parents because we all talk about this crap all the time. Our schools are like Zoo’s that keep animals in all day and our kids get run over by ideological…
Sorry pal. You have no moral platform to stand on. Homosexuality is a sin. it always will be. It can be overcome. Parent + Child realtionships trump everything. Teachers are not special. They just perform a task. The jump to ISIS shows your emotional instability. Sometimes kids feel ut their sexuality and often times…
He’s a racist
You dont replace the parent. You serve at the theor guidance. Dont you ever get so uppity that you think you have a role that comes between kid and parent. This is exact definition of liberal arrogance. If I found out you hid this info from me and/or nurtured it in way in my kids I would bring the law down on your for…
Parents are in charge. The school serves them and its not the other way around. Good for her and this legislation. Ughhh we need school choice so bad right now.
Keep calling people names and the number of people who voted for Trump will only grow. Stay in the bubble folks.