
This episode just highlights how much more interesting Maeve’s storyline is compared to Dolores’ these days. And it’s not just Maeve herself, mind you, she’s going to interesting places, she’s got more compelling supporting characters, her motivations make more sense, etc.

Spring and Resolution are both fucking amazing. These guys should have blown up by now

Really excited to see this. “Spring” is one of my favorite movies of the decade. It’s rare that I legitimately have no idea where a movie is going, but Spring kept going places that I didn’t expect it to. And I felt like I could have watched those two characters hang out with each other for so much longer. Why the

What will it take for you to give this show an A-?

Riverdale is an extraordinarily well made show, I am not referring to the plotting, acting, or scripting (all of which I think are good), but mostly to the cinematography, costuming, and set design, all of which are almost impossibly excellent.

“Really, really hated Hillary” seems to be the dominant theme.

What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

How/why would Gaff know? I was never able to reconcile that.

I’ve never understood why Blade Runner is an either/or story: either Deckard is a human, or he’s a Replicant.

I always find the notion of Deckard being a replicant deeply problematic and impractical. It would also make the whole thing soulless and disappointing.

Agree. Also robs it of any internal narrative coherence. The point of having blade runners in the first place is that they don’t want replicants on Earth, so it’s literally incoherent to have the blade runners be replicants. It’s also nonsensical that if you did, you have them so weak that Pris and Zora can beat

Making Deckard a replicant guts that story of any real soul.

It’s very sweet that his daughter came for him but she could have been a lot less creepy about it,

Uhhhhh there’s nothing okay about telling someone about your violent fetish after you’ve isolated them in your home. If he was really in touch with his kink in a healthy way, he would have known that.

This just happened, on the 1st of this month.

Drunk discipline is always kind of crazy though.

Verbal abuse is still abuse.

We don’t know what the report said or what details were contained. You have no reason to believe that the actual report is vague at all.

An “act of discipline” does not rise, it would be a planful corrective consequence in direct response, and limited, to a specific behavior. To say someone “lost his temper, raising his voice in frustration/anger and may have even displayed physical dominance” to or around children are all potentially abusive. If I