Meh, respect Miranda’s bitch, it was totally a smack about Gwen, if only shade court were still in session and I could have it adjudicated.
Meh, respect Miranda’s bitch, it was totally a smack about Gwen, if only shade court were still in session and I could have it adjudicated.
Not to mention Coffee Crisps and Mr. Christie’s Oreos, to go with the hot prime minister and his enacting gender parity.
Exactly several teachers called into the morning radio show today to say they’re very effective protocol is to clear the room when a student or students become disruptive, depriving them of the audience/attention they want. They didn’t get into the mechanics of how clearing the room worked in terms of serving the…
Human people touched the hot dogs while making them, I don’t know how I eat the food I make myself, I’m almost certain touch dna make it in there.
Yes, but they had both GRANTS and LOANS, Pell grants are not repaid.
My next door duplex neighbors in college were SEVEN Paul Ryans, all of them Republican assholes who were going to school on FEDERALLY funded grants/loans (spending their stipends on TV’s and pool tables), and I the Democrat who’s parents paid for every cent, by the work of their brow.
As did my family, Thunder Beach - Penetanguishene REPREZENT.
Reince Probiscus is also a factor, he’s trying to hold it together with matchsticks and Elmer’s glue, when what he should be doing is playing hardball with what is still a MINORITY of the party. Cut these lunatics off from the organization. The Koch brothers can’t finance them ALL. Actually they probably can ::cries::
I know the appropriate response should not be laughter but I’m laughing so hard. Dysfunction Junction, someone without a Y axis is really happy right now.
Black humorously he noted if he and his fellow carrying ex-military dudes had pursued/engaged the shooter they might have been mistaken for working with him, aka one of the “bad guys”. Imagine that!
...but she shouted out a number of other black women actresses in her speech so she did the opposite of measuring it in terms of her own success.
I feel bad at how much I am enjoying the whole argument, and it’s extreme New York Story-ness, especially the mutual exchanges of You’re a sick fuck, No YOU are a sick! I feel like not enough midwestern Joggers and Yuppies engage in f bomb laden mid afternoon rumbles with threats of death causing punches while they…
Right it’s not a freaking HOTEL, it’s a hospital. Doing what you need to do to get well isn’t always comfortable or fun (my dad a NURSE, is currently breaking pretty much every parameter he was given post spinal fusion surgery) NOT GREAT DAD. But he also got pretty shitty care while on the ward, most of which I lay at…
Oh Joel is most seriously and totally an asshole, I was on a cruise where he played, such a melodramatic dick. He raged on my friend who didn’t know deep house from dubstep, much less who the entire fuck Joel was, and when he inadvertantly asked random dude he did not know for a light he received a melodramatic rant…
LIES I love the Little Mermaid statue,but I saw it when I was little kid hitchhiking in the 70’s with my parents. Now paying to climb the Arc de Triomphe NO, not worth it SO MANY stairs. City of Light? NO city of STAIRS.
It is fucking amazing and I love it. SAXOPHONE so 80’s.
Heh. You guys take the foil off wine bottles, I just plow through that sucker and the cork does the rest. OR I twist and pull it off. I like to keep it classy.
This is what makes me insane, and the most damning footage is how he comparatively handled his previous stop of a (white?) college student , in which he’s practically FLIRTING with her while he gives her a warning meanwhile Sandra Bland is just being a bitch and smoking her cigarette in her own damn car. HOW DARE SHE,…
Clueless was a loose, though true to the spirit, adaptation of Emma, it was neither cookie cutter nor rough and tumble, it was just a motherfucking DELIGHT.
I actually do think it’s a conversation that white people need to have with themselves with honesty, but the hugging and the crying is a little much and doesn’t seem to lean into the trailers claims of making people sit with the uncomfortable reality of their privilege at the expense of PoC lives and happiness. There…