
Oh yeah, regardless of the chronology it certainly doesn't seem that enough time has passed by the end of the movie for Strange to A) become a better sorcerer than any of the others or B) become humbled by the whole ordeal.

I think that's right, but it's not explicitly stated in the film. IIRC, in Winter Soldier, some suit from shield mentions Strange is on their list of people to keep an eye on or something; so I guess he must be must have some significant mojo by that point.

My very vaguely-spoilers thoughts: The visuals and action sequences are excellent. The plot is pretty much just The Hero's Journey, which is getting tired, but does well to establish magic into the MCU. Comedy mostly falls flat for me.

I didn't like how Strange came across as a less charismatic Stark. I know the whole

It Came From Beyond The Spam Filter

Two hundred word balloons?

I remember when they lost The Simpsons to Channel 4. Dark times, but not nearly as bad as when 4 lost Lost to Sky.

Please take a moment to locate your nearest exit, baring in mind it may be behind you, Internet

But teach a man to spore me, and I will be spore for the rest of my life.

"Why don't you invite him over to dinner? Turn him from an enemy into a friend. Then when he's not expecting, BAM! Hit 'em with the old fork-in-the-eye."
"Do you think it might work without the fork in the eye?"
"..There's always a first time."

👎🚮📉❌, internet

Ain't no Thanos like an early Starlin Thanos.

"Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!"

All together now:

It's only about 30 seconds long, but the quartet of clarinets playing The Journey to Pottsfield theme is wonderful.

I guess the world really is as sweet at potatoes and molasses.

That's a rock fact!


Well that one doesn't work


The only two disappointments for me were that after everything, they just stick Bucky back on ice. Seemed like it was quite a big decision that was brushed over quite quickly, possibly for the sake of not knowing where to take the character in the future.