
It was excellent. That and Siege have been the only secret wars tie ins I've stuck with.

I played the game the other day with a friend of mine who was unfamiliar with portal. It stands up fairly well on its own as a puzzle strategy; which is useful as neither the gameplay themes nor the charm of the videogame are really translated into the game. I do like that in the event of a tie, you each have to offer

Now add Primer.

We're just biding our time until he gets to a blender.

#BabeStation (Name of a mucky phone-in sex-line tv channel for people who are yet to discover the internet in the UK; also: pig film)


*Hon Hon Hon Solo

L'amour est un scum rebelle

Fingers crossed for a Utopia revival too!

My favourite part of watching 12 Oz mouse was the creeping realisation that behind all of the surreal nonsense was a dark, fairly complicated story.

Dawes is timeless. They keep it fresh by changing the person saying Dawes every few years and change the tone to more closely match the other, increasingly grittier comments.


Utopia. There was a brief period where you guys were covering the US show of the same name and every damn time I saw it I thought you were referring the vibrant conspiracy thriller, not some reality garbage. Which was annoying because it would have given me an excuse to watch it through again.

Wait, was that an Ameratsu cosplay in the audience?

Pants! Pissed! FOOTBALL!

Well as a non-Irish UK resident, I can confirm this is the case.

I was under the impression that Great Britain = England + Scotland + Wales
United Kingdom = Great Britain + N. Ireland
British Isles = United Kingdom + Ireland + Isle of Man
British Islands = British Isles + Channel Islands
But I'm aware that this is a very silly system

Fair enough.

British as in from the British Isles, albeit not Great Britain.

As someone from the UK, it took me a while to figure out this comment.