
Okay, the I form doesn’t tip off which way the run is going (except for, you know, counters). But doesn’t the fact Manning has to turn around to hand off the ball tip off that it’s a run and not a pass (except for, you know, play action fakes)? In other words, there’s good and bad to both approaches.

M. V. P.

His DNA was under her fingernails and on her shoulders, I believe - both of which can result from casual contact. There was no Kane DNA anywhere below her waist. It doesn’t prove anything one way or another, but tbh, it definitely casts doubt upon her version of events.

Oh that last shot. Wave goodbye to all the fair-weather fans.

I think it’s more of Dane Cook being allowed to date anyone.

They also neglect to acknowledge that Stanford’s best drive of the game was their very first one, which argues against the early start time being to blame.

When women come forward about being raped, the investigation must proceed under the assumption that they are telling the truth (and a vast majority of them are). However, the details of this particular story are... curious.

I only started reading details about this situation today, and I honestly have no idea what to think. The first thing I read was the daily beast article, and while the messages did make me uncertain about Emma’s story, the multiple women coming forward with accusations did not sit well with me. To sum up my feelings,

The show could have ended the moment Theon closed the door, and that would have been plenty to get whatever point they wanted to across. The continuation of that scene was completely unnecessary. Some things are better left to the imagination.

Fucking ridiculous.

Your title is redundant.


There are so many things wrong with this, it would take me a week to try listing them all.

At best, her work back then was mediocre and other people in the program with about the same skill set never landed jobs after graduating — on top of the many people with better skills who never found work either.

Let’s talk about the skill set that got you your job. You’re blonde and attractive. So, why don’t you chill out?

I don't think "catch an edge" is the right way to describe this. The way the ball was hit gave it a weird spin that caused it to curve back into play, much like a cue ball on a pool table that's been hit with english. Less than half of the ball (and I mean barely any part) hit the very top of the bat, and that's what

I was pissed about the no-call for a short time, but when the shot clock non-violation went UW's way I shrugged and moved past it. One call cost UW two points, the other gave them two points. Still doesn't excuse the bad officiating, but points wise things evened out.

Good luck.

So this is the guy I will envy for the foreseeable future. Damn this talented, attractive, and also very lucky s.o.b.

A few surprise absences for me: Misato Katsuragi (Evangelion) and Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop).