Harpoons?! You poor thing. I am, however, howling with laughter at her terminology.
Harpoons?! You poor thing. I am, however, howling with laughter at her terminology.
I got my first period Christmas morning when I was 11 years old. I woke up and went to the bathroom to pee and thought I had pooped myself. It was NOT red. I kept wiping and it wouldn't stop coming. I shrieked in alarm which caused my mom to come running. She laughed and explained that it was my period and got me set…
Thank you for making me snort milk up my nose. Bahahaha!
D'aww! He's so handsome! Did you get to meet them in person too?
You can! Seriously, the sanctuary is worth a visit if you are ever in this part of the country. They ask for a $20 donation to interact with the wolves and it is so worth it. There are many sanctuaries throughout the country, but this is the only one that I know of that for sure allows the general public to meet…
D'awwwww!!!!! Squee meltdown! What a gorgeous boy he is. Did you get to take the pups home with you at night? The volunteers at the sanctuary did that with the litter of babies from last summer when they got sick and needed bottle feeding. I volunteer there myself when I can now, about one weekend a month which…
Nope, not weird! I'm in my 30's and my mom who is in her 60's took me there last year for my birthday. Lots of adults around.
I am now firmly convinced there is a higher power that does this to us for cheap laughs. Ha!
I used to work at Space Camp! I worked there for about 3 years, awesome place. But yeah, I can't imagine getting your first period ever and having to be active somewhere like camp. Ugh.
Aww, you poor thing. I am cracking up at the image of the dimes flying everywhere though. It sounds like you dealt with your first one like a champ.
I too have terrible periods, bad cramps, super heavy- the whole nine yards. :/ The icing on the poo cake for me was that we were leaving on Christmas Day for a 20+ hour car ride to Florida to see my grandparents. And of course I didn't want my dad to know I had gotten my period because I was 11 years old and super…
It's a slap in the face, ain't it?
Nope, not just you. I got mine overnight and woke up in the morning with it. Went to the bathroom to pee as soon as I got up and I thought I had shit myself in my sleep. Lol! To add insult to injury, I got my first period on Christmas Day. Ha. Some present.
The sanctuary is totally worth a visit if you do end up in Indiana. It is every bit as amazing as you imagine! It's in Brookville which is slightly south and east of Indianapolis, not quite to the Ohio border. Fabulous place to visit! It'll probably take about an hour to an hour to and hour and a half to get there…
Aww. :( I am sorry to hear that, that is heartbreaking.
Also forgot to mention, the litter of pups the sanctuary had last summer was a total oops. All of the males in every pack are given vasectomies at sexual maturity, which is at about 2 years I guess. They get vasectomies instead of being neutered so that they can keep their sexual hormones, which helps in maintaining…
I can see the photos on my end just fine! :D What beauties! Kathy, the lady who runs the sanctuary, says, "You can either have wolves or you can have nice things." They tend to be destructive because they aren't suited to being confined in a home. They like to dig, to chew, just like a dog but lots stronger, and…
Nah, not really scary at all. Pointy and very sharp just like normal puppy teeth. The babies were a bit mouthy, but in the three hours I spent with them they never once broke the skin. They do look particularly long and pointy in that photo, though, I admit. Haha.
They are amazing animals. I have a friend who had a 50/50 hybrid like that, she was 50% wolf, 50% Malamute. He was adamant about telling everyone that they were not easy pets to have. He had a lot of commitment to making sure his girl Missy had a good life. She lived to be 15 and was very loved. I used to love…