
Pretty sure my learning disabled, developmentally delayed, mentally ill younger brother would straight up refuse to work for $2 an hour. He's learning diasbled & developmentally delayed, not stupid. :/ The callousness with which people treat individuals like my brother never ceases to amaze me.

I got to play with real wolf babies last summer at a sanctuary an hour or so away from me! I mostly have pictures of when they were asleep because it was easier to get photos when they weren't moving. Here is one super cute picture of one of the sisters (the dark one) & the only little boy taking a nap break.

I know, right? I already go to the dog park 2-3 times a week, being able to do it while having a cold beer... Heaven! This place is tops on my list for a visit my first week there.

They have a combination bar/dog park in Houston. Pretty excited about it since I'll be moving there soon. It's called the Boneyard. They serve craft beers, wine, etc.

I am soon to move in with my fiance after three years of independent living post-divorce from my ex. This has been the first and only time I have lived on my own as an adult and it is GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my early 20's post-college I always had roommates due to not having worked my way up the career

Look into the book Control Unleashed by Leslie McDevitt, also On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals by Turgid Rugaas. It sounds like your dog might be leash reactive, which is not at all uncommon. It's possible to greatly lessen, and sometimes eliminate, this problem, but you have to train, train, train & be

Lol. My mom did just that my senior year of high school. Told my brother, sister, and me she was divorcing my dad three weeks before Christmas. She had my now stepdad moved in before Christmas even rolled around. Pretty cold.

She is amazing. She is a rescued puppy mill dog, but she has the most incredible personality. She's freaking hilarious & gives zero fucks. She is the boss of my friend's two much larger Australian Cattle Dogs & she has a boyfriend stuffed Pooh Bear she keeps in her dog bed. She'll grab Pooh & hump him & when she's

This is my friend's Chinese Crested sitting on my friend's mom's lap. Her name is Hadie Sue. She is incredibly cute, in my opinion. How can you resist that princessy, fabulous face with the little butterfly ears? C'mon! D'awww!!!!!!

We are also in full fledged winter coat mode. This is look of death I get when I put Toohey's coat on. You can tell he just looooves it. Very much not.

D'aww! She's fabulous, I love her spots. I am admittedly partial to spots, one of my two is spotted. I call him the Freckled Freak. He is 3/4 Australian Cattle Dog, 1/4 Rat Terrier. Here he is w/his brother Max (not the best picture). His name is Toohey.

Oh, I just squee'd so hard! Is the floofy one a greyhound too? Or another type of sighthound or mix? I've never seen a longhair greyhound. They are beautiful!

Lol, well my dad was very much a hurry up & get there kind of guy. We never, ever stopped for hotel rooms. We always drove straight through. We even packed a cooler with food so we didn't have to take the time to stop at restaurants. 10 precious minutes off the road was 10 minutes longer it would take to get

Lol. I can sympathize with you. I got my very first period ever Christmas morning when I was 11 years old. Merry freakin' Christmas. And later that morning we left on an 18+ hour car trip to Florida to see my grandparents. Tons of fun.

That is fantastic! As someone who once had to pay for a root canal for one of my dogs ($1250.25 was the total cost, right to the penny), I can sympathize.

I think you should be fine. I cannot imagine a single activity that would unseat a properly inserted cup. I looked up the Softcups after I posted in reply to you & I can see where those might not be the greatest for being active. They look kinda fragile, but true menstrual cups are so sturdy & when they're in

I have hiked, mountain biked, kayaked 24 miles, gone skiing, scuba dived, and swam in my cup and never had an issue. They're perfect for being active. I've never used a Softcup though, have only used a Diva Cup, a Lunette, and a MiaCup. I prefer my MiaCup over the other brands.

I'm having a shitty morning today. Catching up on my backlog of Gawker stuff I missed while I was on vacation & this gave me the biggest chuckle. I just had to thank you.

It wouldn't be a Christmas tree without all those ornaments my brother, sister, and I made out of beads and pipe cleaners for Christmas presents for the parents made during craft time at school. Or without the glass icicles made out of heated and twisted glass tubing made during chemistry class in high school. I had

I have had a Kindle since February of 2009, so going on 5 years now and it is the single best thing I have ever purchased. It is the one gadget I couldn't live without (and that goes above my laptop and smartphone) and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't use it, usually for multiple hours at a time. I don't