
Dude, OP comes right out and says her parents are LITERALLY abusive. You don’t come out to people who have abused you - that’s just exposing one more vulnerability that they can exploit.

We took the poopy cat to the dr many many times, tried many medicines. She had cancer. We couldn’t help her not poop everywhere. I realize that wasn’t clear from my letter. We tried to help her, but couldn’t, so we cleaned up her explosive diarrhea poo until she was sick enough to be put down.

I wonder if the handyman/electrician that installed a lock, that locks from the inside from a button under the desk was surprised.

I find it ... intriguing ... that pretty much everybody in this subthread is still far more focused on teaching the daughters to defend against sexual assault than they are on teaching the sons not to assault.

I dropped a bunch of coins while paying a cashier. The little Tot behind me quickly bent down, picked every one up and offered them to me with a big beaming smile. I asked her to keep half. New Kids. Their gonna save us:)

There’s an art to the gift that can be regifted. It must be generic enough that the (second) giver could regive it to pretty much anyone, but not so plain that it’s clearly been regifted. Wine, for example, won’t do. Neither will food. It cannot be handmaid and cannot really have any sentimental value.

Go for it. I’d just left a string of relationships so damaging I landed in therapy to sort my shit out, and just when I wasn’t expecting anything out of life, my now husband showed up. What I’m saying is, hang in there. He’ll pop up when you least expect it.

“No I’m not apologizing to your boyfriend! He is a pigrone and he showed up to Nona’s empty handed like a maron!”

Now playing

I’ll see your gif and raise you a video.

It’s just nice to see a 40-something white guy get some recognition for once.

Yacht to shut sup... It’s a slippery sloop.

Oar, you can believe it.

I can’t. All this happened while they were out and a boat?

Wow, I can’t believe this, canoe?

He’s pushing Hemp shit now and this is a real pic of him:

Kids superhero poses always crack me up, because you just know they’re thinking “nailed it,” at least from my own recollection. Lol, but pictures my mom took would suggest otherwise. 

Princess Anna of Arandel!

Popcorn! Bummer is, I work alone in my office, so no one even gets to see it :(

Oh thanks! I’ll check it out. Reading the recaps is better than watching the show

Love me some RL but also enjoyed Brian Moylan’s takes. He’s still doing HW blogging over at Vulture.