Being mentally I’ll means you aren’t responsible for your behaviour, practically by fucking definition.
Being mentally I’ll means you aren’t responsible for your behaviour, practically by fucking definition.
What we really need in the Trump age is Aziz Ansari running around like a predatory little creep and everyone acting like it’s cute, Louis C.K. as a cop, and Ron Swanson trying to convince us that the chauvinistic red-meat-loving don’t-tread-on-me libertarian assholes in our lives are really sweethearts we should play…
Jost’s hot take on the disgusting Amazon deal and the faux commercial claiming that Bezos chose Queens to fuck with Trump enraged me. Even the NYT (bastion of neo liberalism) has been scrutinizing this ‘deal’ and Jost mocks New Yorkers for not wanting to pay for a helipad? I wonder if anyone at SNL knows that the…
the next time you feel like you want to comment on one of my posts go and shit in a hat instead
How old are you? If over 30, this is very good advice, it you can manage. Obviously, in some situations, that’s too much peeing. At a concert, no way. At a beer festival or someone’s house, it isn’t that bad. If you actually drink this much water, you could end up with minimal hangover. That’d let you have a nice day…
Norm is the antidote for today’s penchant to look to comedians for insightful social and political commentary. Norm is funny, but why would anyone expect his take on any of these issues to be particularly enlightened?
I’m old enough to remember when this was called Ghost Riding.
Hollywood Handbook has been doing this for years.
Best Podcast That’s Having Its Best Year Yet: Hollywood Handbook.
Best podcast about being gay with your dad: Cum Town
Alcoholics, the unemployable, angry loners…