
Hehe, yup he is, he got thoroughly grilled by our press for his claims, tried to call it fake news, our press showed him the receipts, currently it pretty quit concerning him... (We like to hold people accountable...)

Hehe, thanx mate!

Dutch guy here, yup our crime rates are pretty low even though we have our fair share of immigrants/refugees. Goldberg insinuates that we actually have high crime rates, but that those are suppressed by the press (which they aren't). Mostly our low crime rates stem from evil socialist stuff like providing affordable


Apparently it requires higher math and an understanding of relational databases sumpthin’ sumpthin’...

Yup, i call it Metastasizing Capitalism, eventually the host organism dies...

Also called; 'Logical Thought Deficient Vagina'

From a white guy; 'Yup, yer right!'

Hehe, now THAT would be cool!

Yup, EBS (Enabled Brat Syndrome). When i play a game, i have to trust the designers and engineers know more about their work than i do.

Exquisitely countered!

They look pretty non-threatening to me....

You ok? Anyone you can fall back on?

Gonna share this one, indeed, action speaks louder than words and ‘not all, not all’...

That is some powerful stuff... I needed that...

Hmmm, judging by this piece his past caught up with him... Remember; make friends, not enemies...

That was Brilliant!

As in; ‘I wanted to get in a few hours of good old trolling and bullying but now i can’t, my rights are being infringed upon!’... I’ve known bricks with more empathy...

Hehe, Shallowness Knows No Allegiance... Kim is like an empty, pimped up box, in my opinion...

I vote Serena Williams, i believe every gender/race/whatever will be pleased and his ego will pull into itself like a singularity (Also, she would lay waste to him!)