
That was Brilliant!

As in; ‘I wanted to get in a few hours of good old trolling and bullying but now i can’t, my rights are being infringed upon!’... I’ve known bricks with more empathy...

Hehe, Shallowness Knows No Allegiance... Kim is like an empty, pimped up box, in my opinion...

I vote Serena Williams, i believe every gender/race/whatever will be pleased and his ego will pull into itself like a singularity (Also, she would lay waste to him!)

Put him in an underwater cage with crabs?

Hehe, that was cool!

Yup, actually solve problems/create useful stuff, i salute you! What line of work are you in?

Coming from a sort of different/same perspective, i ǘe seen an enormous shift towards branding/packaging and marketing instead of offering worthwhile services and goods. Luckily i am one of those outsider men doing mostly technical stuff who will be left alone as long as i deliver. The demands are completely screwed

I feel you, have been there myself, and have witnessed this with friends...

Repeat after me; ‘Just because i like something, doesn’t mean i own it...’

I watched the documentary about Rachel Dolezal a while back, a bit of the same thing but in my opinion born out of a troubled personality. Made me both irritated and sort of feeling sorry for her. He doesn’t even have that half-excuse.

Watched it a while back, i’m not a parent, it was even hard for me, the people in this movie look like real, sometimes smart, sometimes dumb people. No polished up dolls in distress to cater to popcorn audiences here...


Ohh, she will be followed, by vapid ,empty and spoiled people...

Sort of related/unrelated, got the first Borderlands up and running on my Linux machine, the game is absolutely unrealistic, very much inclusive and all the more fun for it. Also; in Skyrim a man can marry a man, they care fuck-all. Get with the program WhinyGamersTM, the world is changing, ya might gt left behind...

Yup! Or go actually serve (Ohw noooos, my fellow badass soldier is a Womenz)

Thank you, was going to rant about sheltered, ignorant non-fucks that ruin the pleasure of gaming for me, but you beat me to it. Like reading my mind that was!

Natures very own Particle Accelerator... :)

As a Dutch white guy i have to agree with you, a lot of us are whiny wankers. i must sorrowfully admit...

Why is it always the translucent white bitter old assholes?