Misunderstood you, in my case, if i take one beer, the whole shitshow will probably start over, so it’s best i don’t... (Did eat a praline with alcohol in it though, i am a liar!)
Misunderstood you, in my case, if i take one beer, the whole shitshow will probably start over, so it’s best i don’t... (Did eat a praline with alcohol in it though, i am a liar!)
Whatever floats your boat, i actually enjoy being sober, i’m re-doing all kinds of things i experience differently now...
Hehe, purely neurologically speaking, once your brain is used to massive quantities of alcohol, it doesn’t unlearn. So, one beer will quickly turn into twelve, best not start with the first one, eh?
Yup, used to be an alcoholic (still am, albeit a non-drinking one). Got help from a medical institute (NOT the AA), slowly cut back with help, am still clean and only rarely have a craving (at which point i make myself some tea).
They are supposed to hide her Lizard Eyes TM...
Daaaaaaaamn, i loved that episode, both the well-thought out sci-fi elements, the social commentary and the business-like callousness (and come-uppance) of the museum owner. All in all a great season, not at all afraid to stick its hooks in us...
You’ve got a point there, however in Buddhism (Zen-Buddhism especially) there’s the concept of the ‘oneness’ of everything, which seems to be proven with most new acquired knowledge, feel free to disagree, no worries, mate... :)
Yup, heavy grade modern Buddhism... (and true)
Stupid people unfortunately make stupid people famous...
Yup, luckily the Universe (or our world for that matter) doesn’t give a shit whether we exist or not, it will quietly churn on long after we’ve blown ourselves up...
This sound really interesting, gotta start reading Octavia Butler...
That episode was gloriously awesome, till now the rest of the episodes i’ve seen are not disappointing either, love this show! Reminds me of old-skool sf book anthologies...
He’s not even fit as fertilizer, reactor shielding? Maybe...
Spoken like a human being with an actually functioning brain...
Watched it, it was glorious!
Well, judging by the Bell Curve for intelligence there should be plenty of really smart people around... I for one blame it on the fact that our information technology and the quick, short-term reward structure (looking at you, social media) trains us to look for instant gratification instead of an investment with…
I fear we are devolving, time for the next step in evolution, some of our machines are already smarter than the common denominator... :(
That would be bigly, tremendously cool!
Previous seasons didn’t disappoint, pretty sure i’ll like the next one...
Yup, Mr Bono, witness some genuine rage in the likes of Skunk Anansi and such...