
Also, if she had taken some basic biology classes (especially genetics) she would know there’s only one human race, Homo Sapiens... ;)

Hehe, baby-Boomers?

Hehe, love Banks!

Aaaand, that was glorious!

Be excellent to each other, and party on dude!


Hehe, and you don’t get all the pre-installed crap store-bought PCs give ya...

I’m dutch, never heard of ‘vis kill’... Vis actually means fish in dutch, but ‘kill’? Not so very much...

Yep, there’s good ones amongst us, just not the ones that were not well socialized, i’d like to apologize for my male colleges who didn’t have respect for their ma’s, sisters and other significant women (maybe watch less porn and actually befriend a women?)

Oh yeah, looking forward to this one!

I sincerely hope he crashes and burns, it would be a life-lesson for him if he weren’t a dense narcissist...


Hehe, probably was was born before you, but must agree...

Hehe, i was thinking about the ‘classic’ definition (you know, machismo and all) that one is overrated in my opinion...

You know, we might just need a new definition of what’s manly, a lot of my female friends (who’ve gone through a lot) just want someone who is kind and a stand-up kinda guy, the whole ‘Hwraah, i’m MANLY’ should phase out after college (preferably before that), we need to judge people on they’re own merits, i’ve been

Hehe, ‘manly’ is both overrated and open to discussion, as most of my female friends would agree...

Hehe, hugs are in order, i’m very much a bro... ;)

Gotta point there, was just thinking pragmatically, the whole world wide financial crisis was mostly started by rich old white dudes, so i thought, why not start there, we good now?

Hehe, he’s also an asshole, for the moment it’s rich old white dudes who have the most power, let’s start there and work down the chain, oké?

Hehe, i guess Trump sees women as consumer articles, which is a common problem still, i know some overweight women who are absolutely glorious, but i guess you have to get to actually know them, something i don’t see him or his voters doing, lets stay shallow people...