Hehe I’ve got Society on DVD, absolutely bonkers, but well done!
Hehe I’ve got Society on DVD, absolutely bonkers, but well done!
Hehe, i need to work out the motions for hexadecimal, my editors can switch between the two, handy for debugging and hacking savefiles... ;)
Arseholes, the lot of 'em... :(
I have no doubts, books and imagination are just that, books and imagination, always envisioned Roland as a kind of Clint eastwood guy, but that doesn't do it for me anymore... ;)
Yeahh, i always saw Roland as a kind of white cowboy type, but Idris could pull it off easily, nice!
It was bad, i've known nerdy teenagers who could do much better...
Hehe, yeah, if you don’t agree with a franchise, just don’t watch it, there’s much more pressing matters to deal with, like paying the rent, get food and shelter, and actually being nice to people... ;)
True, i love the weird, absurd and dark (Lovecraft, Hellboy, the Dark Horse Hellraiser run, even Douglas Adams and many other things), those i know who have a taste for the really-out-there things tend to be males and females whom can actually engage their brains... (I might be biased, offcourse, maybe i'm one of the…
Yep, log off, get out off your house, talk to an actual, fellow human being who might have real life problems, Stephen Universe (or any other franchise) might pale (however good they are)... ;)
When you’ve got good communication you can tell each other, if she doesn’t want to be bothered by me, she can tell me, also good
Hehe, i’ve ‘Heyed’ women before, both after sex, and not...
Mister Steward is also Awesome in his own right... ;)
Because he still has empathy... :(
All Hail to the need of people for superficial characteristics... Honestly, a pet is a sentient creature, and most of the time, crossbreeds are the best of 'em, the whole perfect race/breed (animals as well as people) started in Victorian times, if I remember correctly, and has been disproven multiple times with the…
Ahh, well, it isn’t high literature, they have, however been a source of entertainment for a long portion of my life.
Maybe import them from the UK, there's a big comic-scene over there...
I’ve read them in Dutch, they’re readily available over here in Europe in different translations. As far as i know the series has stopped (with a beautiful ending). There are about 20+ comics (longform)
Hehe, read most of the comics, we're in for a treat (also, check out European comics, you'd be amazed)