What is he doing creepy lurking like that, he’s so close like that weird kid in the lunch line.
What is he doing creepy lurking like that, he’s so close like that weird kid in the lunch line.
Yeah, this. I keep hearing people say, “This is the October scandal that’s going to do Trump in,” but really, he said more demeaning things about women. He’s always done that. If being accused of raping a 13- year old didn’t do it, I doubt this is going to slow his roll much with supporters.
Damn, Booz- Allen (Hamilton) is really taking it on the chin, huh? This is the second of their contractors to steal state secrets.
I haven’t decided yet: is it hilarious that this joke is who the first woman candidate has to campaign against, or is it deeply insulting? I’m pretty sure it’s both, really.
Yeah; usually I just bring a foreign- language newspaper or book and pretend I don’t speak English, but this? This is genius.
THANK YOU. As a yoga instructor I was just coming in to say this. Please, think of us, too. That’s a lot of asscracks for us to look at and for reals, it’s not like everybody does a great job at wiping down those community mats, either.
Rapists are rapists, they’re ALL equally horrible bad people, but for some reason I am irrationally angry about these WOMEN. There’s an additional element of betrayal to this that just seems somehow extra horrible and makes me all tight and ragey inside. We all grow up with the same fears, watching our friends get…
Buddhist and can absolutely believe this, dying.
“If I feel physically threatened by you, it’s my right to put your ass down if need be.”
Former military here; friends in my community are horrified- and confused- by what’s happening. Systemic racism + terribad training is the only thing that makes any of this make sense to us, and it all still boggles the mind. So many terrible, stunningly bad decisions.
The international community officially banned the use of tear gas in military warfare in 1997. Why are we still using it against our citizens?
I don’t want to know other folks’ business, either, but it’s awfully influential to other abuse survivors to see that even in a family as fortunate as this one, these things can happen. That has impact and helps folk feel a lot less alienated.
Heh, my brother in law drives a Jetta.
Fecking hell, you just described my old yoga teacher to a tee. She was a nightmare of passive aggressive niceness and faux- girl power but at least I learned what to stay the hell away from in the future.
I wanted to give you a star but you had 42 when I rolled through and that’s too geekily perfect to screw up.
When I lived in Baltimore, I carried Narcan. Why don’t cops?
I think also #notallChristians
I love that this is fainting couches PLURAL. Like look: we may need several locations for people to get horizontal quick, let’s get fainting couchES, PLURAL, why even mess around here.
Okay, that's easy to agree with. Kody is a garbage fire. How four women find him marriage- worthy?