It is indeed, public good. To achieve that we need to all work together to better ourselves and not rely on others to do it for us.
It is indeed, public good. To achieve that we need to all work together to better ourselves and not rely on others to do it for us.
My kids need to go college. I need to have enough money to retire. I’m responsible for four people. What’s your point???
No. I didn’t say they were lazy and I didn’t say they didn’t want to make more than $12/hr. I also didn’t say that I want to foot the bill for whatever sort of care you may need. In fact, most of America said they don’t want to foot the bill. Are we footing the bill anyway? Emergency care yes but not ongoing…
Because even YOU know that Medicaid would offer subpar healthcare. But YOU want single payer system. YOU think it is so brilliant. YOU will also blame politics for YOUR failures to comprehend economics.
I make $12 and hour and expect my non-life threatening rheumatoid arthritis to be taken care of for free????!!!! What else? I make $12/hr and that car...give give give. Disgusting.
I wonder when Gizmodo will post about insurance companies being racist. You know, I heard that my local elementary school had a racist bully, they called him BCBS! EVERYONE RIOT!!!
Difficult? It depends which side you are on. Unhappy minority or thrilled majority.
Life. Life is fucking with you and there’s no foreplay.
Teeheehehehe I’m just stopping by to see you all in pain you hate filled ‘tolerant’ liberals. You could use some growing up.
Right. Where do I even begin?! After seeing countless profanity infused posts about Donald Trump I am now needing to feel bad for you??? Nope. This is a joyous moment for me because that loud voice of the few has finally been silenced. See yourself for what you are. Obnoxious, rude, loudmouthed, and oblivious to…
If you weren’t such a baby I’d tell YOU to S my D Sophie.
This. Gizmodo. Is. Dumb.
I think we’re reaching that critical level of Trump posts where Cinema Sins should be employed to point out your stupid bias. Are we to believe that Hillary is not preparing? Oh is this post supposed to mean that Trump is somehow unable to prepare? Maybe I’m just too dull to see any other purpose than to shame…
It appears that Gizmodo may not have received its monthly check from Hillary. Somebody get on this ASAP or else people will vote for the wrong candidate.
Exactly! I’m down 20 lbs by following your fad diet. Now tell me where to mail a check or the evil fat will come back with vengance.