Just when you thought us GenXers were safe to act superior to Boomers and Millennials, this dumb shit happens.
Just when you thought us GenXers were safe to act superior to Boomers and Millennials, this dumb shit happens.
A magat says what?
Bitch, go the bed.
Nick & Em: “No you the bitch. / Well, you that hoe. / No, you the hoe.”
The lazy corrupt racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people is best described by the problematic but on-the-money-in-this-regard Bill Maher: the Frothy One is a WHINY LITTLE BITCH!
You confuse the reportage of facts and informed opinions (by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Google, Facebook, Huffington Post, New York Times, L. A. Times, the Root Et al.) with the promulgation of right wing propaganda (by Faux News and the right-wing swamp).
My guess is that the chat he had with you, Michael, is a very different chat than the ones he has in his closed door fundraisers with billionaires.
You know you can light a pine scented candle right?
the more i read about this person the less i am impressed by her.
i have an artificial tree. i also have a charlie brown tree.
Rich people’s problems.
In order for your Kardashian tree not to totally fuck the environment in the face you’d have to use if for 10 years!
I’ll only buy one of these if it comes with the tire-spikes, outriggers, and rocket-booster option.
Can’t deport him. Nobody wants him.
The only thing that can stop a white (or white adjacent) bad guy is another white bad guy. A good person (of any race) isn’t going to do it and a bad person of color isn’t going to get away with it. So, uh, let’s hope he starts a fight with a gang of skinheads.
If anyone deserves to be deported it’s him, not 250 people trying to go to college.
God forgive me, but I hope that means he stops tomorrow.
George Zimmerman will continue to try to monetize his murder of Trayvon Martin until he is dead.
i cant wait for the day when i read his name is followed by “was grisly murdered during a fight he started”
Can someone please take this shitstain out already? He has continually proven himself to be an evil, violent fuck. Since our justice system failed, I'll be ok with some vigilante justice or him just fucking with the wrong person.