There are only three reasons that anyone would conflate blackness with undereducation, laziness, unemployment or dope dealing:
There are only three reasons that anyone would conflate blackness with undereducation, laziness, unemployment or dope dealing:
put together by a small group of mostly black women in Hollywood.
He pulled himself up by his nutstraps!
He needs to sit his two-dollar ass down and stay down.
Black women have been at the forefront of every single Black movement, with the exception of this “he-man woman hater” hotep bullshit.
Guy like this think having a dick & balls is an accomplishment. Like he was born flat like a Ken doll and had to grow them from scratch.
Let’s be fair-I know Rudy Giuliani about as well as I know Trump. So, like, in terms of stupidity it’s probably a tie, at this point.
But evidently that was Denzel’s choice (or so I’ve always heard)
I heard her say this on her Becoming tour and I think of it every day. She said something similar in an interview with Oprah. Oprah asked her something like “What was it like for you to get a seat at the table with all these smart, powerful people?” and she said “You realize pretty quickly that many of them aren’t…
Michelle Obama said “I’ve sat at tables of high-powered mediocrity
And if this fuckery actually got to the actress, Meryl Streep would be like “Boy, what? She’s Black. What?” Julia Roberts might actually have gone for it AND been stank about it when she got called out. You think Scarlett Johansson’s “I should be able to play any tree I want!” was bad ...
Look, if you’d have said Meryl Streep, I’d entertain the foolishness for a hot second before I’d burst out laughing, ‘cause that woman acts her ass off and then some.
Dude’s been huffing his own farts for so long his brain’s forgotten what oxygen tastes like.
For a celebrated producer and music maker, it’s almost like Mister West has never bothered to record himself and hear himself talk.
Reverend Joel reminds me of a white haired Jack Frost.
“all of that arrogance and cockiness that y’all have seen from me” is in the past and “God is now using him.”
your president had to pay pornstars and whores to fuck him. he married a whore and cheated on her with a pornstar while she was giving birth.