That...that is not an official canon implication of the Kotaku censorfish!
That...that is not an official canon implication of the Kotaku censorfish!
You know that by adding the Kotaku Fish, you're technically saying that the Silt Striders are sexy?
Yep, I’m quite sure.
They weren’t saying Sonic and Knuckles isn’t the best Sonic Game (it isn’t, thought). They’re saying Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which is Sonic 3 plugged into the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge.
Marathon 2 has the best shotgun(s).
I highly recommend Hellsing Ultimate.
Pretty sure I’ve suggested this before, but you really need to unlock Machinist. It’s the most satisfying Ranged DPS in the game, imo.
Sixteen-year-old Alphinaud is a fan favorite
The FIRST ending of ARR is kinda a letdown...the second ending tho...hoboy you’re in for a treat. Just gotta slog thru some kinda boring patch content to get there.
Oh trust me, you’ll be sobbing later. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more emotional than that, it somehow continues to surpass its previous height with every peak. I barely even remembered this quest because it’s such a minor footnote compared to the insane ups and downs that happen after.
Dear Square Enix,
The ultimate problem is that this isn’t a great comparison.
The PC version of CP2077, which is the only version that Steam cares about, is OK. Not great, not terrible. There’s a huge difference between “actually bad” and “not as good as it should have been”.
I’ve waited years to see if this franchise would ever come to PC. I can wait one more for it to release outside of the EGS.
Every time I’ve tried to broach the actual details of what’s so horrible with the store or any other features, people seem to dodge the question.
I commiserate with you about the knee-jerk responses you're getting, particularly about Epic's business practices and their long-term implications. Everyone is so quick to want to blame others of tribalism, they don't care they're being exactly as regressive and ignorant as that which they think they're mocking.
Cconsumers DO have a right to dictate how businesses make deals. That’s the entire point of government regulation. Calling anyone who disagrees with Epics business practices a Steamboi is the epitome of immature ‘console war’ bullshit.
This is prerry ironic given he's explained his reasoning in depth.
People still can’t see beyond the successful PR rhetoric of ‘Epic is competition’ to look at the actual mechanics of the processes involved. As you say, we aren’t the customers here, we’re the product. And nobody is interested in really dealing with the implications of that. Not until it’s far too late to do anything a…
Unless Whole Foods makes that brand of chips, generally it’s not because Whole Foods is forcing X brand to be exclusive to them, Walmart’s choosing not to carry it.
This is normal and relatively healthy competition.