Michael Anson

And their choices are to be ground underneath the boots of the Israelis, or fight. Because the system no longer works for them. It’s pretty clear that your argument is that the left should be ground underneath the boots of the far right, rather than fight for their rights. Those that fail to learn from history are

Linda Collins-Smith. Stabbed. Clementa C Pinckney. Shot. Mark Hasse. Shot. Mike McLelland. Shot. J. Christopher Stevens. Arson. John Roll. Shot. Bill Gwatney. Shot. Mike Swoboda. Shot. James E. Davis. Shot. These were all assassinations in the last twenty years. There are more. Just about every one of them was shot by

President Kennedy was killed by a single person with a scoped rifle and the willingness to throw their life away. You dunce.


And you’re not listening. I’m talking about people willing to give their lives in the process. It’s not about idiocy like January the 6th. It’s about actual, coordinated attacks by people willing to give their own lives so other people can live with their right to exist intact.

You can’t use a broken system. When the opposition is systematically stacking the deck in their favor, playing by the rules no longer works. And, frankly, if you aren’t willing to give your life for the rights of others, or support those who will, maybe you don’t really want those rights enough.

What is it with you people and assuming the coming conflict would be some grand military operation? It would most likely be a combination of rioting, bombings, and targeted assassinations, mostly by people who believe in their cause enough to sacrifice their own lives. This wouldn’t be some occupying force leveling

You’re thinking open insurrection. That never works without the military, and that’s the problem with you folks. You’re thinking like the British did during the revolution. Stand out in fields and shoot each other. The reality is, again, going to be more akin to modern terrorism. Individual assassinations and

Rifles. With scopes. And common pistols. Combined with a variety of IEDs (the classic Molotov comes to mind), anybody who is more dedicated to their cause than surviving can easily take out multiple people before sacrificing their own life, especially if they only need to take out a single person. In an all out war,

The Grey Knights were, like Rayce said, the Deathwatch, for heresy. They work closely with the Inquisitors, but in a more clandestine way than, say, the Sisters of Battle and other Inquisition-aligned groups. They have unique armor, unique weaponry, and every one of them is a psyker, capable of unleashing devastating

So what you’re saying is, you’re perfectly fine with abortion, gay marriage, interracial marriage, and other rights not explicitly laid out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights being repealed? With states making abortion at any age and for any reason worthy of death penalty? Sodomy laws? Trans folks being tortured

Given how our democratic institutions are being systematically undermined, we had a violent insurrection at the beginning of last year, and the Supreme Court is working to undermine rights we took for granted and giving the power to cause untold suffering and fear for the people to states run by the worst possible

This was the first 3D shooter to let you look up and down! Before Quake did it!

Shame they’ve done such a terrible job of polishing the story...

Or it could be that the attacking isn’t intended, but the wolf riding is.

So your argument is that a summonable version of an enemy shouldn’t act the same because it’s been summoned?

Or, and hear me out, the wolf isn’t her ally, but is being controlled by her. Given that she’s never riding a wolf before this point, why would there be an entire unexplained AI behavior for her? Especially since she directs the wolf in movement and targeting with the new attack.

People are only responsible for the government they pick and the actions of their country if they actually picked that government. If the government supports itself through corruption, the people are only guilty of being stepped on.

Since it’s all optional content, I’m personally not concerned. Optional content can be ridiculously difficult as long as you didn’t have to pay extra for it; easter eggs are meant to be difficult to find.

“Smile more.”