“No Child Left Behind” did so much damage to our education system. Here’s hoping we see it corrected soon.
“No Child Left Behind” did so much damage to our education system. Here’s hoping we see it corrected soon.
Probably because you’ve only ever seen parts.
Mileage may be somewhat based on knowledge of the history of the region at that time, admittedly.
I’m interested in hearing your arguments against The Princess Bride and Life of Brian.
There’s a bit of an issue with grades these days, though. They’ve been emphasized so much that people forget the purpose of school is to teach skills, not to reach arbitrary goals.
I’m waiting for one of these companies to start banning the accounts of people who feel the need to be abusive. Feedback is good, but abuse should be grounds for “you aren’t the kind of customer we want.”
Ah, finally coming out, and on multiple different storefronts as well. As it should be.
Ah, just a general technophobe, then. Carry on.
Worth pointing out that the reason for the big, complicated seeming words like “comorbidities” is because they have exact, unambiguous definitions. English generally has a lot of words with multiple meanings based on context, and when discussing something in a scientific vein, being as exact as possible helps to avoid…
I think the removal of general chat from TTS and the reason behind it counts as “being about videogames.”
Generally speaking, there are two things that drive intolerance. The first is the deep seated subconscious tribalism that’s built into all of our brains and underpins a lot of reactions. The second is generally a general lack of self-worth and the desire to feel at least some personal value. When combined, you get…
“Before their natural death,” you mean when they would be torn to pieces, alive, by predators, who don’t wait for them to be dead before eating them? Or are you talking about an imaginary lifespan free from disease, parasites, and predators?
The “tech” is already being used. It’s called VR. That was a stupid argument to make.
Yes, because cows get to frolic in sunlit fields in the middle of winter. Excellent point.
Ah, yes, insults. So, what would you do with cows, exactly? You can’t release them into the wild, since they have no natural niche now. They would devastate local ecosystems, or be wiped out by predators, or both.
First, not all cows are treated horribly. Try checking in with your local farms.
So, by your argument, we shouldn’t ever strive for advancements of any sort, because our well-meaning attempts at making life easier may have unintended consequences. Very Alfred Nobel of you.
I’ve actually asked vegans this, and their response is generally to make animals currently farmed for food extinct.
Yessir, nothing like taking the hard work of someone who spends every waking moment making a story for you without helping them have a meal at the end of it.
You misunderstand, the Wikipedia quote is to illustrate that Pong came out after the Oregon Trail’s first version.