Michael Anson

LTT did a pretty in-depth look into where it stands, and why it’s been taking so long. It’s pretty much because of unbounded ambition; they’ve been doing literally everything from scratch, and are striving to simulate an entire galaxy in ridiculous detail. Which is bonkers, yes, and yet they are making progress on

That’s funny, yes, but having it be the sole source of everything is just stupid. It’s this kind of shitposting that’s dragging Kotaku down.

Zero, never backed it in any shape or form. But nobody could possibly have anything but a negative opinion unless they spent all their money, right?

And a sixty second clip counts as “checking in?” You do know they have free play periods where anyone can log in and check out what progress they’ve made, right? Might be a better use of your time than going “ha ha that elevator is full of deadly snow.”

I love how discretion is just code for “yeah we’re too immature to handle hearing about someone’s even remotely sexual desires”. Talking about your sexual desires in the open full stop includes “even vaguely sexual”. Enough is enough, whether you’re trying to be funny or not, the concept is ridiculous.”

So, was there any real purpose to this other than to pick on a project you don’t particularly like?

Your comment was that “discretion” is kink shaming. You are wrong, and you know it. Nobody said “all of Twitter.” I never said that. I said, very specifically, that respecting others is not kinkshaming. You dumb fuck.

The fact that you seem to think it’s acceptable to introduce sexual content without people’s consent speaks for itself, creep.

No, but people broadcasting their kink into a normal conversation without the consent of those people is. That’s harassment, try to wrap your head around that. Consent is important, even in a conversation, and demanding consent isn’t kinkshaming, you dunce.

My point was that “discretion” means having a conversation in the appropriate climate, not waving your kink flag around in an unrelated or unwanted discussion. Which is very much like harassing women, or men, or whoever else, because they did not consent to hear about your sex life. Which is apparently kink shaming or

Which is why I stated that discretion is fucking important. Grow up. Accept that there’s fucking nuance.

Heh, glad somebody caught it.

No, it’s not, it’s telling people to not push their kink into unrelated conversations. It’s one thing to be casual and positive about your kink. It’s another to make unsolicited comments towards other people. Sexual harassment is a thing.

There is a difference between having a healthy conversation and inserting your kink into an unrelated conversation. Unless, of course, you support unsolicited lewd comments towards women.

Nothing in that comment was shaming folks for being into Lady D. Just for going on about it endlessly. Keep your kink, just don’t dominate every discussion with it.

There’s a line between having a kink and openly flaunting it at every opportunity. Pushing your personal libido into the forefront of every conversation is what “indiscrete” means. 

There’s a lot of people here getting hung up on the “porn” side of things and missing the point, I think. The Epic store is hosting another app store, just as Epic wants Apple to host the Epic store. That other app store is hosting content in violation of Epic’s own policies, just as the Epic store could with Apple’s

That’s assuming human proportions, however. There’s a lot of engineering leeway involved there, from the dimensions of the supporting structure to the design of the feet for spreading that mass out, or even the use of more expensive/exotic materials that are lighter and stronger. There’s a lot of basic engineering

The price of consoles would have to rise considerably to offset the cost of the consoles at that point, so they’d fight that change kicking and screaming the whole way.

It took them until 2019 to add ADVENT, and they still don’t have Zork on there, so there’s that. I don’t think they are really doing any deep cuts into what made the more popular games what they were.