Just popping in to compliment you for using a picture of the ultimate gentleman’s gentleman for this article.
Just popping in to compliment you for using a picture of the ultimate gentleman’s gentleman for this article.
I’m currently wondering if this kind of fragmentation is really how things should be organized. The way things stand, we have The Root and Jezebel as two main headlining Kinja sections. If we keep adding main sections like this for each group (one for Asians, one for Latinos, etc), it would get far too difficult to…
You got your money’s worth AND refunded it? You’re the worst kind of people, aren’t you?
Bit late to the game on this one, but I can’t help but notice that this ship has the TIE moniker but does not have what TIE stands for: Twin Ion Engines. Instead, it looks like it’s being propelled by an engine similar to the Falcon’s.
The article is explicitly about how “everyone else thinks atheists are bad people.” Your attitude is directly contributing to that view. If you can’t make non-combative statements towards people who express a different view, you are an asshole. It’s that simple.
People don’t like atheists because of self-described “atheists” who seek every opportunity to harass people who believe differently from themselves. It’s entirely possible to not believe in a god and also not be an asshole, but many self-professed “atheists” can’t seem to help themselves. Worse, they do so while also…
It’s pretty clear that you aren’t very familiar with the Catholic faith (note the difference here; Christianity is made of sects, which describe the faith differently). Anyone who is seriously religious in the Catholic faith or some non-Catholic branches (meaning not just blindly believing) knows that the Bible is…
Easily one of the classic Jazz pieces, something for everyone’s collection. There’s a remastered version of Time Out that is crystal clear, one of the jewels of my collection.
The jacket in question was from a special crate only available to early adopters and currently unavailable to anybody.
There is a distinct difference between selling a tool like a knife (which is, in fact, a tool) and advocating for people to be treated as sub-human. My focus is narrow specifically because it’s a narrow policy and will likely remain such. Should the policy expand from people advocating for the removal of others’…
They aren’t preventing the videos from being viewed, just from being monetized. It’s a bit of a difference.
If people want to be paid for propagating hate speech or extreme religious views, they can go on talk radio or network television. Google has no obligation to pay them, but is also not making a move to prevent them from speaking.
They are explicitly changing the rules. They are saying “these kinds of videos will not be monetized.” It’s right there in the article. They found a gray area they don’t want to have harming their business, so they made a new rule to cover it, plain and simple.
It’s not censorship, it’s simply not monetization. YouTube does not have to pay money to people whose stance they do not like or agree with. They don’t have to host their videos, even, but they decided to leave them up, which is very much NOT censorship.
(Man, the hoops I had to jump through to reply to you... Thanks, Kinja.)
You can sideload apps onto iOS devices, it’s just not easy. If you have a properly signed app, you can directly import it into iTunes through drag-and-drop, then add it to an iOS device without jailbreaking it. If you have an app that isn’t…
That’s not what you said in your original post, before you edited it. My reading comprehension is just fine, as is my memory.
It’s worth mentioning that this is only preventing Apple from offering these apps in their store. As long as an app uses only what’s available on an iOS device by default, it can be loaded into iOS through iTunes or Cydia Impactor and enabled by the user. Of course, this would be highly illegal in China, but it’s…
Except that you stated that Taiwan was a province of China when they are demonstrably not.
I am rather concerned that the article didn’t also mention the implied child abuse/murder in the post. It’s like the bloody cherry on the shit sundae.
It’s actually pretty simple. Taiwan is an independent nation, whether China recognizes it or not. It’s simply required to not mention Taiwan as independent while speaking with China. The situation is very akin to not mentioning to a homophobic father that his son is, in fact, gay. Everyone else can know it and his…