
If you are a Christian a true born again christian then you don’t have that issue, for you have the indwelling spirit of God in you, Who teaches and explains what the bible means, and what is the mind of Christ and how to apply it. but a lot of (and i have to call them this ) so called Christians are not really

Not so “sin” means to miss the mark, it is a archery term that implies you have hit the wrong mark. And people sin all the time they miss the mark of good and hit the mark or target of evil all the time, Every one lies, not a day goes by where you do not lie if even a “little white lie” or you lie to yourself which

Except Good and Evil really do exist, were are not you believe in God, Good and Evil are very real and have an influence in the world.

To quote Scripture and this applies “ All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” Who can say that they not have lied, stolen, lusted ather what others have, or killed, If you can say with truth that you have not then you can call yourself good, I know I can’t, but I have been forgiven.

They are just sinners like all people, the Christian are only forgiven sinners.

And to blame Religion for all the wars and at all is a really simplistic reading of history and of the understanding of how people think and use ideas to drive how their actions work, especially how wars are conducted, or how people are oppressed etc, and forget how much good faith has done.

Now how can that be,we know that the people WANT the Cable and telecom companies to charge them more and slow their internet down, and sell their info to the highest bidders.

However the Witchcraft produced video at the end of the post was all witchcraft, all% witchcraft...

Maybe yes, maybe not, overhead elevated highways have been tried and are being taken down due to the impacts on the people living on the ground under them, who suffer both the physical danger of vehicles flying off the highways and the Psychological effects of the highways, a tube system will not have the problem of

The fast and the furious Aliens or Alien hot rod racers. 

It is Folklore not Mythology. There is a difference between Myth, legend and Folklore, with some overlap with legend and folklore. Each has different sources and core truth, Myth is often more formal in nature, while legend has at its core a grain of truth and folklore are stories told by word of mouth and change

Then he runs into the FAA as they control the airspace, and would put a hold on it to see if it is airworthy and if it poses a danger to ground installations and low flying aircraft.

Well the right of ways can revert to the Feds, and some have, and states have taken them over to convert light rail in some cases. Georgia is studying that question with an abandoned rail line between Atlanta and Columbus.

So cough up the money, also they are all privately owned, and the rail companies don’t have the cash.

Shooting a gun is some what like archery, and other marshal arts in that it takes time and effort to get good at the skills involved in the marshal arts you are practicing, same for shooting, and if you live in the south and west in the country there is hunting in the fall and a lot of people love to hunt, as side I

Yes but do they catch on fire??

As most of the rails date form the 1930s or at best late 40s.

and graffiti.

Trains have been around for two hundred years, so yes this is the first crawling movements of a newborn.

Well that is how some utilities run their lines along the right of way of railroads, and then there are the abandoned railroad right of ways you might be able to use.