and partly wrong as well.
and partly wrong as well.
Hasn’t this always been the case, see all most any election in the nineteenth and twenty centuries.
No it was a way for the smaller states to balance the larger ones, it had nothing to do with protecting the voters form a idiot at all, The Electoral College is all about the states rights and power period.
until the Dems nominated someone who was even worse, and the independents nominated Who? all that was left was the wig form space form the more crazy party, and I did not vote for him either. He looked like the lest worse worm infested apple in the barrel.
better for himself and his kind of people.
just after the pitchforks and torches get passed out.
And besides their working people and not our kind of people, right.
18 so far...
yes it destroys moral and productive, as well as the peace, in the office.
The one who owns it.
Oh getting killed for as some old translations say 72 grapes, and be refreshed, instead of 72 Virgins. who with their luck would have PMS.
likely so and of course the famous “I know more than the Generals” is making the decisions, well maybe he knows more than the general’s, how about Admirals?
As i would joke with my players “ I stole from the only the best”.
Well I guess you maybe somewhat right on that I recall a Russian who predicted that the US would brake up by 2010, will The US does not give direct Cash to mothers, unless the family income is less than 11K per year, which is under the poverty line.
Remember Trups is a businessman and as sure he thinks I AM THE BOSS, I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING< NOW DO WHAT I SAID! (Apologies for the caps) that Is is how bosses think, but not Politicians who have to govern, when having to deal with equal branches of government or even their own people.
The last time I looked Was in 2016, and Russia had starting to pay it’s women to have children, and it is not the first nation to do so, look at France as it does the same. Still the birth rate is not great in Russia and the life expectancy is falling with men dying around fifty and women in the sixties, and super TB…
maybe so but Russia does have this population problem, it’s falling fast.
And now the “Age of Chaos and confusion, with Tweet Storms dur Juar”.
Nope to advanced. they are using 100,000 men with shovels and baskets to to the work.