Re=engined? 2,4,6 or 8 engines?
Re=engined? 2,4,6 or 8 engines?
Or park a Sherman tank in the drive.
Gremlins, chewing the brake lines?
looks like an anti tank device, dragon’s teeth?
until someone fires a paintball at them, splat a target, burn a hole.
Isn’t light faster than a material object?
or a hungry Hawk/bird of prey.
Then NEVER EVER Play Starcraft...
just remember that Hannibal of Carthage was stung in the (left I think) eye as a young man and was blinded in that eye.
A weed is a plant that you don’t want but can’t get rid of. One of my neighbors thinks my Holly bush is a weed and needs to be killed, even tho it is over sixty years old and my grandmother transplanted it three different times when she moved.
Why am I reading this in an Irish accent?
AS a dyslexic who grew up in the 1950s in the south and who grades in school was D’s and F’s and whoes draft number was 48 in 1968 and who has owned two twelve gauges and a sixteen gauge and a twenty two, I can understand, but that is no excuse for their actions not everyone who is in that environment turns out as a…
let’s see strawman argument really it happened its history and you are guilty of it. Apologies for it, the south paid blood for its sin and well yankees dont even teach about their sin, the south has been the whipping boy for this for a hundred and eighty years. well the north is the most racesies part of the nation,…
Really? that the best you can come up with? well I forgive you, ather all you are not insulting me at all.
You do realise It was the northers who owned and sailed the slave ships, and who bought and sold the slaves into the south. Yankees dont want to admit that little fact do they? They are and you are just as guilty of taking and selling slaves as southerners are of buying and owning them, yet you deny you guilt in that.…
It seems that the liberals are doing just as much of the fighting, and name calling, but then hypocrites dont surprise me.
From their point of view it is they have already lost everything anyway, and the liberals have taken every thing them away, so why not vote for Trump, ather all liberals have spent thirty years dumping on those very same people. all the while telling them they deserve it, while tell themselves that they are the in the…
Ah yes the man whose only goal was to end the Civil war as fast as he could by destroying Everything in his path, yes California needs that.
Very Old Illegals aliens. Old Klingons or Romulans.or even Gorns.
AS someone whose draft number was 48 in 1968 I agree wholeheartedly.