Question: does that mean we have learned the lesson?
Question: does that mean we have learned the lesson?
Question then why have the US and Canada have had less of this problem when both nations are immigrants nations for all of there history? The US seems to almost magically change immigrants to Americans for most of its history and I would assume Canada does as well, so why can’t Europa do so?
question are you forgetting where Russia and Germany both invaded poland, I think it was called WW2 or something.
we should be so lucky!
one date 1929 or if you like 2020 the year of the next businessman president inspired great depression.
Or to quote Jesus “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul? “ I would guess for them lots of money, that they cant take with them.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very soul?
well look how being president aged all the other men who held the office and he is what older than Reagan when Reagan was in office. So basied on that history Pience will likely be in office soon.
Be very quiet he is hunting Mexicans right now, blacks will be later.
So the deal master did not get a good deal for himself? No there has to be a mistake he is the master of the deal and is a wiener er winner is he not?
Too late Congress has heard you, news on new carriers at eleven.
Except it rots your stick shift off.
Sorry guys you’re not even trying.
or two squirrels and a cat.
just shoot out the knee or hip and the whole thing comes down, hard.
They are politicians whose first job is to lie with a straight face. Did you expect any better, I did not every, politician I have seen in sixty some rears does this.
Both, and foolish if they can’t/won’t admit it, i had a feeling by the end of October that Trump would win, and no i did not vote for him or Hillery either. if you listen to what the ordinary people said then you would have known Hillary was in deep trouble. The Democrats lost by forgetting the white voters they…
easy follow the money
So that the car makers can charge more money when they sell a new car. Money is the answer.
But it’s all a terrain vehicle! you’re not supposed to sink!!!