
""We are not talking about a national ID card," Locke said at the Stanford event. "We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of

@zjgz: Arctic Silver I swear by.

I'll be holding out to see what HP will be offering. I think the webOS interface was made for PMP's both in form and function, something nothing else offered can say.

@Kirkaiya: Great post, with due recognition towards the TechCrunch venture. However Apple did release a finished product wayyy ahead of the competition (in terms of what the consumer market wants) and I think that was ultimately the failing of JooJoo. That and the terrible press, the Fusion Garage vs TechCrunch

@RuckingFetard: You googled "funny usernames" and you chose RuckingFetard, there is some irony in there somewhere...

@OMGWTF_BBQ: I hope you checked and made sure your email/username wasn't one of the ones released in the torrent before you throw all your chips in the gawker media basket. Three of my friends were and needless to say they were pretty pissed...

So he did a good deed. I know I'm going to get burned at the stake for this, but he brought more attention to a hospital. He managed to garner the attention of the interwebs, meaning this hospital is going to get all of it's game systems back (brand new condition), plus that care package mentioned below, plus

@Nitesh: I believe "feature-phone" is the current moniker of choice for the kin and other similair phones (gravity T, tap, rumour touch, lg neon etc.)

I would have liked to see more about the OS, I couldn't care less about vaporware.

HP should have waited a few more months and bought RIM instead, they would still get WebOS, and have a dominance in the smartphone market.

@jncarlos: It's only a matter of time before all microchip implants are antiques. Since I got a pair of x-ray glasses about a decade ago, I haven't used a microchip implant nor needed one.

@PacJack360: I'm with ya buddy. Just installed the preview release on my 4GB class 4 SD card, now using it with Dropbox as my main travelling OS. Took the HDD out of my Asus1000H and now it weighs all of a pound. Suck it Google.

Insert obvious anon comment here

"Private Video

@OMG! 420: What carrier are you on?

@Joel Johnson: I don't think the commenter was being a twerp, he merely preferred one giz contributor over another. The rest of his comment was also pretty tame. You also promoted him, then took away his star. Why both?You also did a bit of nitpicking "then/than" and still typed "almost mostly" directly after. Just be

Been using Tor for ages, but the TorButton in FF is abysmal. Hopefully they get it right for Chrome.