
@FromaBuick6: I think I'll wind up with the V6 for the same reason I would up with a 202 V6. At some point, another jackass is going to hit me and total whatever car I'm driving at the time (much the same way that an 88 year old man totaled my mustang). I'm going to need a fun, reasonably priced car in relatively

@plazma: MENSA cards are for geniuses that have something to compensate for. I am a genius that needn't compensate for anything and has a degree from one of the better art colleges in the nation.

@plazma: Your opinion can here-fore be officially and completely discounted. Thank you and goodbye.

@VeeArrrSix: I'd be interested in a down-market CTS-V. That car is already a stupid good deal if you've got the cash to spend, but I'm poor, and it'll take a long time for a CTS-V to depreciate to the level that I can afford one. At point the wheels will probably have been hooned off anyway.

Make it like the new FJ, but with rear quarter visibility and cheaper. Put a diesel in it. K thanks.

Pretty headers for being stock. Wheels aren't muscular enough. Yay 5.0! Where is the direct injection? Seriously. I want to buy one, but I'd rather buy one with even more power and better gas mileage.

@DoctorNine: What do you have against hair bands from the 80's? Shouldn't you be off to cuddle with James May or something?

@P161911 probably shoudn't have: I agree. I didn't buy a PS2 until GT4 came out, Prolly not gonna buy a PS3 until GT5 comes out. Though at Fry's Electronics in oregon yesterday I saw a tempting pile of refurb 80 gig PS3's for $250....

@Nick:Really, he was at a tire chop about to buy a new clutch assembly

@Rupunzell: Smoking tires was fun when I was 16 and didn't have to pay to replace my own. Granted, I had an 88 acura legend, 2 door, 5 speed and tires were $50 a pop and not sport tires, but still...

@Helba: That's one of the dumbest things I've heard all decade. Don't you have a tea party to get to?

@Hachiken: I'd have totally picked up a used rx-8 by now if it weren't for my worry about having to pour oil into it all the time to keep it going.

@Muscles Marinara: Can't afford a v6 either. I also live in the pac NW, and high hp, rwd sports cars with live rear axles aren't exactly tops on driving in the rain.

Want. Maybe after it's been out for five years or so I can afford one.

@Novaload: I was gonna say something, but then I realized that I can't afford to talk to you.

What the hell is Pure Blooded American Soil even supposed to mean. I would think that a "journalist" might be able to put words together better.

I'd driving one right now and maybe Saab wouldn't be going the way of the dodo if they had produced this car.

Meh. Only care about what's under the hood. Wheels too big. Would off-road like shit.

@jwolfcale: Right on. I was a valet for a couple years during and after college. Yes, we punched it for a couple seconds in a porsche turbo here and there, but NEVER did anything to risk damaging the cars.