
According to PGE, our local utility provider, Nissan found a more receptive electric vehicle market in Oregon than anywhere else in the country. Even California. These will sell to the people that live just outside or Portland, or a little too far off a public transit route to make it worthwhile. Portland needs to

As Esteemed Mr. Clarkcson would say... "That's not gone well"

I would be playing fallout 3...well, really I am, in 10 minute bursts, before a reboot. You see, the PC version of this game is basically non functional for 75% of those of us that purchased it in a format where we can dictate the resolution.

In diesel it will get great fuel economy! I am very disappointed, though, to see that it will be quite as large as it is.

Make one on the cheapish with a manual transmission, a diesel engine, and less crappy plastic interior components than the regular mini and I'm in for one. There are too few AWD cars out there that aren't f'ing huge and actually get good gas mileage.

maybe if they put a slightly efficient engine in that tiny little hatchback they made instead of spending $ on a wind tunnel they would A) sell more of the expensive little fuckers and B) save people a lot more gas.

Sooooooo...actually, the infinity fx that people are bitching about this looking like looks great. Has more problems than your average bear(suv). But visually is rather great looking. If you don't like it then I can safely dismiss your opinion.

If they're going to raise the driving age (which I support) then they'd better make sure that there are reasonable public transportation alternatives in place even for people in more rural locations (the development and spread of public transportation/safe bike paths is also something that I support). I grew up in a

My understanding in that in Japan some people cut a hole in their bumper or mount the front and back plates in a specific location so that they can mount the plates on a spring loaded hing. When they get going fast enough the wind pushes the plates parallel and speed camera fines are avoided.

@goatrope: I love the A3. If they weren't priced tremendously high I'd be all over one. Bring me either 2)a small displacement turbo, turbo and supercharged, or diesel, all wheel drive vw at a price below that of an Audi or b)a turbo or TDI AWD Audi at a more reasonable price and I'll go buy one tomorrow. Given

Swat, I think they'd have to steal some of the old honda management structure to approve better and cohesive design. Shame they'll never get the management that approves decent interior design and high quality interior surfaces.

@discontinuuity: Damn straight man. The more they try to pull crap like this the more it will get taken advantage of. What were they thinking of when they put no write/read authentication/protection on these things?

Don't forget the happy tunability of turbocharged german engines. Dropping by APR and getting your VR-6 chipped vs your 1.8t chipped is going to net you a hell of a lot less HP on the VR-6 and the same goes for almost any bolt ons. If you really want more appreciable power gain you're looking at dropping a few grand

I'm from a town about an hour and a half north of Birmingham in the Guntersville/Albertville area. There are old cars all over. Many models that fetch substantially higher prices elsewhere in the country can still be found for reasonable prices, and with as many rural areas as there area around, one can still hope

How is a pdf inconvenient? Cross platform and most easily allows for the original layout and design elements to be retained no matter the variation in fonts that you might have one your pentium 4 machine with 256 megs of RAM. Yeah, Adobe reader takes a while to open, but really?

God I hate new money and their trashy ways. It's not even that I'm old money or anything, I just hate trash.

i bet there's a fiero chassis underneath.

I want my minute 36 back.

You forgot to mention that it's usually cheaper to buy at farmers markets too. I spend 1/2 to 1/3 what I would at the grocery store when I buy pesticide free and incredibly fresh locally grown produce every day at the farmer's market down the street. The rising cost of food has cost me an extra penny.

Let Chevy pay to develop their own system with government subsidies. They, and other car makers, have fought and ignored every attempt to get them to research improving gas mileage over the past decades. The Japanese car companies have steadily worked towards improving fuel economy. They deserve a cookie and