
you only get the 4 wheels burnouts if you get the v-6, which sucks. The engine to have it the 2.0t and the reason to buy an audi over the VW is the Quattro. Audi needs to do 2 things: A) Realize that the A3 is NOT an alternative to the A4 and drop the price and B) Offer the 2.0t in quattro in both the hardtop and

I'm sure it'll never be released in the US, so WTF is the point. I will tell you that, as a young person, I like the IDEA that a car has a lot of functionality, but that it's not really necessary. Functionality is much, much more important to older buyers, with kids and such. I only need enough of a hatch to lay a

Yay! I'd be much more tempted to buy a c30 if it could get it in four doors. It's just a shame that kitted up to be really attractive and moderately optioned a c30 is $30k. Opposed of coursed to a decently kitted VW GTI in four doors, which is more like 24 with the votex kit and 18's.

Hell, I don't even NEED a wagon, but want one purely for the stuff hauling capacity. Now if we could get more AWD wagons on the market that looked good without hitting the same price point that the Audi's do I'd be even happier.

I love the outside. Not that I'd ever own one. It's a damn shame about the whole "it has an interior made by Nissan" thing. All their cars have shit quality interior....badly designed, low build quality. I like the 350Z interior, but again, materials.....

I am picky about the way glasses look on me, and insist upon trying the frames on before I buy. I had been doing this an looking for the frames online, but ran into a set of gorgeous Prada frames at half off with no sales tax. I shipped them off to , who put lenses in them for me at less than half

Bring me a V-8 for a price that competes with the mustang GT. Otherwise, I'll just buy a slightly used GT and supercharge it.

Honestly, this is the best looking ford(aside from the new mustang) that I've seen in years. The fact that ford has abandoned trying to style their own cars and are stealing things like headlight from(as pointed out above) peugots and last generation lexus ES300's, while sad, is a good move on their part . I say

Talk about beating a dead f'in horse, except now they're not beating anything but themselves with this outdated looking slow POS. Why anyone would buy the boxster now that the Cayman is out is beyond my imagination. The fact that it has what looks to be a mid 90's design that's been mildly tweaked over the years

OK, that was pretty freaking cool, and I liked drifting before. But why, I ask, can WE NOT GET VIDEO LINKS ON THE MAIN PAGE so that I don't have to get all clicky and follow a jump and then hit the back key ONE WHOLE TIME PER VIDEO to watch? Digital age my ass...

I went to art school so my math skills area little on the rusty side, but 1.25 time the weight should equal .75 times the performance. Must be those fumes from laying carbon fiber that went to the Jalop editors heads....

I'd advise anyone looking at buying a new or used car from a dealership to read the extensive guides you can find at . Not sure how jalopnik feels about what pretty much amounts to free advertising for edmunds, but there's a ton of good info to be found. Tips such as:

Can't audi let you borrow the R8 or something? What about like a '48 jag roadster or a ford GT?

I OWN a VW now and I guarantee the sciroco is more hell. But I apperciate hell that I can work on myself, which is why I bought a VAG COM cable for my MKIV and don't have to visit the dealer.

Hyundai is he next toyota/honda. My dad was driving a honda back when you didn't want to be seen in a Japanese car. They started out crappy, but were dedicated to quality and competitiveness, unlike American manufactures, who couldn't care less. It takes time to learn the quality stuff, but they're getting it,

I was not implying that I ever expected to be tipped on the way in, but it was a common enough practice that I thought it best to give advice from the point of view of a valet.

All good tips. I worked as a valet during college and in between stints working at fine dining restaurants(often parking cars at the same level of restaurant I served food at). I might add:

"old" media outlets don't get it and cater to old farts that can't use computers. In anycase, LA is a hell hole. It's cool that he got published though.

Thank God! I had totally written off looking at the Mitsu and was looking at the Impreza and WRX(all the while hoping VW would come to their senses and give me an all wheel drive option with the 2.0T engine that was not the Audi A4). I wish it was a six speed, but depending on price, the manual tranny Evo may be

Hey! Look! It's the fastest Ugly Piece of Shit I've ever seen!