
It’s not that special since it’s AWD. Good traction control and AWD and it’s almost comically easy to launch a car. They aren’t doing anything special or unique in that aspect of drag racing. Their advantage is instant power, that’s why they’re so impressive. The 60' times are incredibly fast but for that trap speed

They don’t turn at 40 miles an hour and still be in the fight. They can’t launch aircraft like that. Stop being ridiculous.

Truth and accuracy being attributed to Tyler? Get the fuck out of here. All he did was regurgitate the ignorance of David Axe. Tyler was and still is a dumbass bleating and repeating all the shit he’s been told.

I work at Pratt too, what’s your name? Assuming you know everyone at Pratt is pretty funny.

Stop taking pictures while you’re in control of a car, asshole.

Watching more of his videos in even pretty close attention shows that he’s either not a good engineer or is purposefully ignoring crucial details to get video views. He gets so many things wrong it’s amazing he hasn’t been called out on it more.

I quit watching his videos when he went on and on about breaking in a new cars engine and used the manufactures drivers book as a source. No modern car made within the last 20-30 years needs any break-in period. If it doesn’t work exactly how you need it to the day you buy it, don’t buy it. Modern engineering,

If I lived in Texas I’d be all over that shit. I’d LOVE the chance as a white guy to stand in front of a mosque and tell those people to leave or get shot.

The ban is being blown up by the media because it has no reason to be put in place. It doesn’t solve anything, makes a massive fucking delay at airports and tells the world that if you’re not white an Christian we’ll toss you into a room and leave you there until we decide you can come out. Why wouldn’t you want this

Yes, use a VPN and set your IP address as Canadian. They’re super cheap and it works flawlessly.

If you use a VPN and set your IP address as Canadian you can stream from their website with no issues. That’s how I watch because it really damn dumb that a US series is t streamed in the US.

If the rumors are true then there is no need to really improve the ICE. Slap on a couple electric motors in the back and you’ve got the best of both worlds. I have 16 GTI with a JB1, I’m not sure how much improvement you want to see but that car already has more than enough power. Launching the thing is hard enough as

It does make a difference at night, it looks like it should. Brake lights that don’t light up are dumb looking. I have mine to cycle completely of to max brightness when using my turn signal too, I’ve been told it’s easy to see from at least a quarter mile back on the road I drive home on real late at night. Friend of

If they don’t want to go bankrupt they should build better cars.

Even if not directly auto related in the traditional sense, his stupidity is going to directly affect us all. This moron is actively trying to fuck over every person in the United States with moronic tariff threats. He’s going to fuck up our economy so bad if he gets his way that’s it’s EXTREMELY important that his

No one says anything good about him because he’s about as intelligent as a middle school dropout and there’s really nothing good to say about him. I don’t know why that’s so hard to understand. Maybe get your GED and you’ll understand better? It doesn’t take an economics degree to understand just how monumentally

When they’re cheap corrollas built in Mexico they are. Slap on an import tax because he’s a fucking idiot and what will they buy instead? Unsafe 20 year old polluting and smoking beaters. Great way to make America great again, sink the poor under the weight of even less opportunity. I honestly don’t know how someone

I can’t deal with a loud mouth fucking moron that can’t get basic facts right, why can you? It goes to show your level of intelligence that you defend the man with bullshit arguments about people not happy about losing. Why are you proud of insulting people that DIDN’T vote for someone so publicly stupid? It says a

Gotta suck Teslas dick at least once a week. Can’t miss their quota.

It’s not confirmation of a damn thing. Weird issues and strange behavior in all makes and models are written about daily. I wish people would stop sucking their fucking dicks so hard when shit like this happens. Tesla is not a special snowflake. They are a cool company doing cool things, but stop warping reality to